
Sep 10, 2007 14:19

Have met with the Prof I'm TAing for. Have cool new project and other duties. Cool new project involves the cool new project Prof did. Basically, he entered a contest for the US Government for information scientists to come up with a search engine for blogs. That's right, blogs, not blog posts. The goal of the search engine was to search blogs by key word and have the blog returned be mostly about the keyword. So if you search "politics" the blog should be, in a majority of posts, about politics. Only this was the first time the data-set had been tested, so now the participants have to go back through and figure out how well they did, by personally looking at a couple of entries of each blog returned and checking a box that says "yup, this one was about politics."

He's going to assign me one of the search terms, and I'll have to read through about 50 blogs or so that got returned by that search term. I asked for "wine." My other options were something along the lines of "Macro-economics," "peak-oil," and "Nintendo DS." You can tell what kind of liberal freaks make up these teams, can't you?

Edit: So far "wine" blogs apparently include one about the NBA, birthcontrol, a random guy in Boston, possible gay porn, and a conservative political rant. We might need to work on our algorithms..

I also, of course, get to correct (but not grade) math papers. Woo. At least I understand the first two chapters, it's all linear equations and fractal type stuff dealing with database retrieval...

I also made tasty pasta today. Mmmmm
Tingly Pasta: Good warm or Cold.

long pasta (enough for two people or one dinner-and-a-lunch)
With Dressing:
3 tb. olive oil or seseame oil
2 medium cloves garlic
4-5 tb. fresh cilantro
1 lime
2 tb rice vinegar
2 chipolte peppers (or red pepper flakes)
6-10 baby carrots or 2 regular carrots
1/2 cucumber (optional)

Boil pasta, if using chipoltes boil them with pasta and remove when soft
zest lime
chop garlic fine
Place garlic, lime zest, olive oil, pepper in microwaveable bowl, microwave on high for 2 minutes
Add to this:
Juice 1/2 of lime
minced chipoltes
chop carrots and cucumber into matchsticks, toss with oil/vinegar mix.
When pasta is done, toss with dressing. Salt to taste. Good warm, better cold.

procrastination, pasta, work

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