(no subject)

Apr 17, 2006 03:13

It seems that no matter how hard I try, I'm always a few steps behind, and then I trip. And my backpack comes flying off into a pond. And then I have to go get it, and when I finally retrieve it, it's full of rocks. So then, I grab all the rocks out, but the more I remove, the more there are. Finally, I just get rid of my backpack, and start running. But then a hedge maze pops out of nowhere, and I'm lost...

And then, out of nowhere, I see Harry Potter and he's yelling random things like "Lumos, and Point Me, and Impedimenta." And I'm like "Holy crap, i'm in the Goblet of Fire!" So I start fighting this Blast-Ended Skrewt. And then I answer this riddle from the sphinx. So here's the convo:

Sphinx: "What is the meaning of life?"

Me: ? ^_^ ? Pie? (and my face actually did that for like a few seconds)

Sphinx: "What kind?"

Me: Ummm...definitely the S'more pie from Marie Callender's.

Sphinx: "Mmmmmmm, that's a good pie. But I'm partial to the Dutch Apple Pie myself."

Me: Yeah, that one's good too. How 'bout the Quidditch pie?

Sphinx: "Hmmmmm, I've never tried that one."

Me: Cuz they haven't made it, bitch!

and then I avada kedavra'd her ass!

And then I woke up...all i can say is What the Fuck?!?!
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