I had to wake up early this morning to register for UCI classes. It was
crazy. I wake up 15 minutes early and I immediately get on the computer
and start continuously refreshing. I'm such a dork!! Anyways, I got the
schedule I wanted so I'm happy. And because Joanna posted hers, I'm
going to post mine cuz I want to be cool like Joanna.
Anyways, it's pretty good. Earliest class in at 9 AM, and that's
only on Monday. My chem lab is pretty late. But it's on a
Wednesday--what kind of parties would be on a Wednesday anyway?
But I do realize that I'm going to be missing Lost on TV. (Isn't
it sad? I'm already obsessing about TV that will be missed months
from now.)
But here's the great news! I'm going to be taking *drum roll, please*
19 Units
SHIT!! That's fucking insane. Hopefully my
petition will go through and my 5 on the AP test will mean I won't have
to take Bio. But if that doesn't happen, then I'll drop my
seminar and take 18 units. But still--18 units!! That's
crazy. And why do I have a lab already? The regular
chemistry doesn't have this lab. So that's just an extra 2 units
for nothing. Honors sucks...I'm never going to get away from
honors, huh? But I'm glad Tiffany's doing it with me.
That'll be fun. We can go insane together, and we'll get locked
up in some crazy asylum...hurrah!
Oh, and I'm obsessed with this song. Spit It Out by Brendan
Benson. If anything, just check it out...it's really happy!
Oh and the Jack's Mannequin song is cool too. Thanks Dale for
sending me that video. It was really cool and made me download
the song.
Oh, and I'm thinking bonfire on Wednesday, the 17th, or Thursday, the
18th. It'd be a good way to say good-bye to the Berkeley, Brown,
and USC kids. I know a lot of UCLA kids are coming back the
17th. Will you guys be too tired to do it?
Anyways, I'm off. C-ya!