Academy Day

Apr 01, 2004 16:04

hey hey hey!! well i`ll start with tues.

haha okey i don`t remember much but i do remember in music we had to clap for the song "How Can I Keep From Singing" and i was clap challenged l0lz i kept clapin` on the wrong beat and the ppl around me were all laughing at me haha and Kai T. was kinda makin fun of me a lil bit l0lz =] well and after school me abe abe`s sister and cassie walked to Frankie`s...but that`s as much as i remember so yea

wed. umm don`t remember too much about that day either cept i was sad all day cuz like umm i usually get a hug but that day i didn`t and den he was hangin roung with all these other girls and like i dunno why but i got a lil sad l0lz but den at the end of the day i got two hugs in less den 5 min. and they were long hugs so that made my day =] l0lz and i founf out that i only missed 2 on my algebra test and i got a good grade...i think its a 92% whoopdie doo for me! l0lz yay well after that i went to Pathfinders and i was trying to have a serious talk with Luciana but Nick [[Nicholas Smith]] kept butting in so now he noes l0lz stupid Nick l0lz oh well i can trust him...l0lz umm yea at pathfinders we went to the school for our pott stuff with Mr Brandmire [[is that how u spell it?]] well yea we glazed our bowls and i chucked my coil pot in the trash cuz it looked gay l0lz and i need to glaze my outhouse l0lz yup so after Pathfinders i went home l0lz YAY NO HOMEWORK! =]

TODAY WAS SO FUN!! l0lz Academy Day was awesome! l0lz i was in a group with Andrea..Erica A..Priscilla some kidas frum W.M. umm Rose Adriana Danny and Junior yup my tour ppl were Loree Dunn Aloice [[[i think that`s how u spell it]]] and Carly yup yup well first we went to Mr Dunn`s drama class and played games like Zip Zap Zop and Red Ball Blue Ball and this sound game l0lz reelie weird but reelie fun l0lz den we went to the Jazz Band yea that was kool i had to sit next to Kaitlyn`s brother Adrial and he is soo weird but soo cool l0lz we had his belt on his head cuz it was too big for him l0lz yup yup and after the Jazz band we waited for Mrs Mohr and so we played this one Bigo game and i won so i got an egg...but i was too lazy to open it so i shoved it in my bag l0lz....den after went to Mrs Mohr`s class thing and i sat next to Mindy D. and they sang songs it was kool...umm den we went to Mr Brandmire [[[sorry if i keep spelling it wrong]]] and we looked at the art and we got to see ELijah Crampton and OMG is he hott l0lz and he paints sooo well! l0lz yup that was alot of fun after him we went to Miss Ellison`s class and tried building this bridge out of one strip of paper and pile pennies on it and who ever has the most pennies wins! l0lz den we went to Mr Kim`s room and [Bio] Mohr and Mr Kim were all showing us sound waves and balls lmbo stupid Mr Mohr kept talking about his "balls" haha for ppl who were actually there u shud understand that lmbo =] man Mr Mohr is so kool =] well yea den we went to the P.E. one and the first one we [[me andrea erica a and priscilla]] did was the pull ups and OMG Luis [[not Castro but the Freshie]] was there and i was all"AHHHH" in my head cuz he is so cute l0lz well i didn`t even get one push i`m soo weak l0lz well den we tossed a football in a hoola hoop and i only made one out of three yup den i got 18 sit ups in 30 i`m soo slow l0lz well we went to lunch and umm ate l0lz me ck nikki and kat ate with David frum C.V.A.S. cuz Luciana said he was a loser and we felt bad cuz he was sitting by himself l0lz so we ate with him den wen Luciana`s friends left her table she came and sat with she can be reelie mean wen she wants to...l0lz but i love her..but only cuz i grew up with her l0lz neways after lunch we went back to the Chap. and we looked at a slide show of our academy day which was cool cuz i was in alot of the pictures l0lz and umm we did a drawing and stacey won the camera...and some chick frum W.M. won the cd player which btw i REELIE need a new one l0lz umm i won the contest on the pennie bridge in 3rd place cuz mine held 90 pennies l0lz and umm thats mostly it but after that we all went to the patio and 3 t. and i went on a strike cuz i was so sad and umm kirsten and i sat in the middle of the football game and ate chocolate and den yea l0lz omg i`m happie =] l0lz but brice made fun of me and abe l0lz cuz abe was leavin` so he gave me a hug and brice was all "oOOoOoOOhHhHhHh" l0lz but i dunt care bout brice cuz i was happie =] man that made abe dig himself out of the asshole hole he was in l0lz yea so now i`m here typing this and umm yea well for anyone who wants to come to my bap. it`s this Sat. @ 3 in the school Chap. yup i hope u ppl can make it l0lz so yea i`m bored nothing to do so i`m going okeyz? well LaTeR dAyS lOsErS! =-* MUAH!
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