hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrnghhhh today hasn't even started and I want it to be over
so instead of trying to BS up a new art project idea before class, I'm going to waste time on this meme.
since I have too many characters to do this for ever in an hour, I'm just going to pick a few and I might do more later.
Name: Greed
Orientation: everythingsexual
Partners: None.
Ships?: I could list off a number of canon-based ships, though I'm not overly invested in any of them. Except for Greed/Everything, yesssss. Though there's Greed/Martel, Greed/Ed, Greed/Ling... Greed/Ran Fan because it would piss everyone off except greed which makes me lol.
Uhh... I haven't had him around long enough to really ship him with anyone non-canon. Greed totally tops Kaito, though.
Name: Jiro
Orientation: AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH i mean... straight...
Partners: Technically Mitsuko, though also sorta not.
Ships?: Jiro/Mitsuko for canon. Because... it's canon. And their relationship had a lot to do with how he developed and the choices he makes.
When he was in Discedo, Jiro/Alpha- though I shipped Saburo/Alpha too but it can never be a threesome because jiro and saburo would be too busy trying to rip each other's limbs off to focus on alpha. )8 BUT ANYWAY I kind of loved around the time that Jiro and Alpha met because she described her world to him, where robots and humans live together and aren't made for destroying or killing. And the idea that a world like that existed was kind of a huge deal for him and sob it was great ;A;
Name: Wolfwood
Orientation: pedotrap
Partners: None canonly, Shinji for pre-memory loss disc!Wolfwood.
Ships?: Canonwise, Vash/Wolfwood. I tend to love my bromances both for their bromance factor and for their shipping factor, separately. And their bromance is a very epic one. It is up there on my epic bromance list next to Sanji and Zoro. There's also Wolfwood/Midvalley but that one's just based on vague hints of a past relationship or rivarly of some kind that we will never know the details of )8
In Discedo, Shinji/Wolfwood, fufufu. Because what better way to meet your future gay partner than while lying on the floor in a pool of your own blood with your entrails everywhere and the bottom half of your body sitting a couple feet away from the rest of you? Also, angst and torture. Because it's fun 8C
Name: Lamiroir/Thalassa Gramarye
Orientation: jerks
Partners: She's had a couple husbands, both deceased (or at least one is for certain).
Ships?: Lamiroir/Klavier. I regret nothing. Also that ship is ridiculously rare from what I can tell. But just playing the game, how they'd apparently met and wrote a song together in borginia, then the way he treated her as a fellow musical artist and just... idk sob it made me ship it. Then there's Thalassa/Valant, and Thalassa/Godot which makes no sense canonly but JUST THINK ABOUT IT. they're about the same age, have both been through what should have been death, and both lost their significant others during their years-long recovery. And I think they would get along splendidly. /partially blames raile for this ship