A new begining - Weekly nate V2

Nov 03, 2005 17:15

Hey ,
Well here i am again giving the old live journal a shot but just to spice things up ive decided to kinda make this into my own colmn called the weekly nate wich will be updated once a week preferably Thursdays but you never know when some thing so fantasmical may happen that i need to whip out the weekly nate so here it goes .

Weekly nate #1

Alright readers ,
This is the newest attempt at making this weekly nate stuff work for me although if you know me you know there has been quite the few attempts to get it going ive tried Flyers , Myspace , sub profile , web sites and other things but i think the biggest problem that happend with all of those is that i NEVER updated them and that was a problem for my readers and eventually it would just die out . But this new one is different because i set myself a day every week to make a entr witch will be on thursdays .
But the Weekly Nate cannot run without your imput i need comments and emails people i wanna know what you the readers want me to talk about ( Cause if you dont tell me and i cant think of any thing then i guess the weekly nate will just be useless rambling from nate alisauskas) SO PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND/OR DROP ME A E-MAIL.

But to my first topic of discussion ...... Band
Three stars across the board i personally do not know what happend i though our performance at finals in most categorys was a solid 4 . But who knows we did good and im proud of most of all the band and what could we do we cant really ask for more we all knew that this was a "rebuilding" year take it we had a new band director and a lack of staff and no c

So send me ur comments and emails but untill next week

Be Good
Be Bad
Be N8
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