The anti-White Mindset

Jan 18, 2016 16:44

Who is anti-White?

First things first, let’s go over the term “anti-White”, and who it applies to. Some people are mistakably interpreting anti-White as being non-White. This is not the case as anyone can be anti-White, as it is a state of mind.

In fact, most anti-Whites are Whites, although they are usually known by other names such as “liberal”, “left-wing activist”, “anti-fascist” or even “conservative”, as not all people with an anti-White mindset are members of the political left. You would be surprised how many in the political right would slander anyone who acknowledges the demographic consequences of massive immigration just to appear more “respectable” to the mass media and the left-wing establishment.

The common denominator for these people however, is that they are referring themselves as being “anti-racist”, and that these people will accuse anyone who is opposing massive immigration or wanting to secure a future for our people for being “racist” or a “naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews”.

This is the reason why “anti-racist” is just a code word for anti-White.

The anti-White Mindset

The anti-White mentality is a core belief that White people are essentially evil, and that they are the root cause to most of the world’s problems in one way or another. People with this mindset have been conditioned (usually their whole life) into this state of mind, as this is largely a result of years of indoctrination, primarily induced by mass media and the educational systems in the West.

For years, generations have been taught that White people are unfairly privileged and that we oppress other peoples for our own selfish gains. We have been taught that we share a collective guilt due to historical misdeeds done in the past, hence the term “White guilt”.

Anti-Whites often refer to the colonization of the Americas, the African slave trade or other forms of oppression as unique crimes of White people, in which we need to be punished for, despite the fact that all peoples on Earth are guilty of slavery or conquest.

In fact, one of the largest colonial empires in the history of mankind was the Turkish Ottoman Empire, but no one is accusing them of being “racist supremacists”, or that they share a collective guilt and therefore need to be punished for it.

No one is forcing China to open their borders for invading Tibet.

No one blames all living Asians for the deeds of Genghis Khan.

This procedure is only applied to White people in order to justify non-stop immigration into White countries.

It does not matter if Swedes or Finns had nothing to do with the conquest of the Americas, all White people are guilty in the mind of the anti-White.

A contradictory mindset

As the anti-White mentality is more often than not subconscious, most anti-Whites (or even people in general) fail to see the many contradictions surrounding the anti-White mindset.

As pointed out above, anti-Whites have no problem to identify who is White when they refer to negative circumstances (when they want to talk about slavery or racial discrimination for example), whether they are historical or contemporary, but as soon as someone opposes massive immigration (into all & only White countries) they suddenly have a hard time to identify who is White.

They either start to deny the existence of White people by claiming that “we all bleed red, the only race is the human race”, or by demanding you to define “who is White?”, which they have no problems with in negative contexts.

It certainly is a slanted world view.

They justify non-stop immigration to the point that we are becoming a minority by claiming that “skin color doesn’t matter”, but at the same time they demand a melting pot of racial diversity in all White countries.

They declare their love for “diversity”, but at the same time they proclaim that “we are all the same” and that we should become a “blended humanity”.

They say they love “multiculturalism”, but at the same time they strive to make every country indistinguishable. Sweden is no longer “Swedish”, France is no longer “French”, Britain is no longer “British”. They are all “multicultural societies”.

They claim that they are standing up for equal rights, but at the same time they deny White people their right to their own homelands.

In the Anti-White mindset, only White people can be “racist”.

You never hear anyone who calls themselves “anti-racist” accuse an African person of being “racist” for not wanting African countries to become non-African. You never hear them scream “nazi” to Japanese people for wanting Japan to be predominately Japanese.

If Senegal would close their borders tomorrow, none of them would bat an eyelid, but if Germany would choose to close their borders we all know what reaction they would have.

It is a White countries for Everybody-principle.

Anti-Whites themselves believe that they are on the side of good standing up for equal rights, but in reality all their arguments and reasoning always end up to the same conclusion: White people are bad and anyone who does not agree that we should become a minority in our own countries is a “naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews”.

This is the reason why they are in fact anti-White. And it is our job to remind them of that.

How do you approach people with an anti-White mindset?

First of all, understand that these people are not good, they are anti-White and their (subconscious) intention is to justify our people becoming a minority in our own countries. Everything they say essentially leads to a world without White people.

Having said that, try not to hold a deep grudge against these people. It is understandable that these people may make you feel angry at times, after all what they are doing is morally wrong, but you should also be able to sympathize with them as these people have been conditioned all their lives and do not know any better.

Secondly, understand that since they have been conditioned all their lives they are not interested in having a discussion or a debate. You will never be able to convince these people with logic or reason. No matter what statistics you show them, or no matter how many sources you have to back up your arguments, you will never bypass the political correct barrier in the anti-White mindset. Facts alone will not reprogramme them. Nor will it change their point of view.

Do not get me wrong, facts and statistics will work on some individuals, but not on people with an anti-White mindset. You see people on the internet all the time debating and arguing with political correct people and it never leads anywhere. In their point of view, you are wrong and all your sources are biased. Just as you would never change your mind due to someone linking to a news article saying that “immigration boosts our economy” or “crimes are low and we have never been safer”, they will not change their mind either nor admit defeat. Even if you did manage to convince someone with an anti-White mindset that with current politics it is only a matter of time until we become a minority they will simply either try to justify it or respond with “So?”.

Instead of trying to debate them, it is a matter of pointing out their contradictions and pushing your talking points. This is done by being passively on the offensive by asking questions, pointing out their contradictions and putting them on the defensive by overtaking the moral high ground. All of this will be explained more in detail in future articles.

It does not matter if they agree or disagree with you, as long as the discussion revolves around your talking points it will be to your advantage, since the more something is discussed the more it will become normalized and become acknowledged in people’s minds. That is the reason why reporters and news anchors very rarely talk about the consequences of immigration and other related topics. They do not want people to think or talk about it, and they certainly do not want people to react and act against it.

It is about planting a seed and moving things from the subconscious to the conscious.


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