May 09, 2006 16:44
They're thinking about banning iPods completely from the classes/school. Why? Because one of the many idiots that reside within our world decided to not only put porn on his iPod, but to watch it during class as well. So, there's talk that either iPods will be banned entirely from the schools or from classes. There have been many other variations, such as iPod Videos not being allowed into the school, or iPods in general. There is even talk that they may ban music from the schools altogether. Of course, they banned cellphones as well but I'd say that 80% of the populace still carries them, on even, and some still have the ringer on when they're not supposed to. So, what does that tell you? If they ban iPods they'll never know since most students have their music either in their pockets or in their hoodies. And if they want to identify them by headphones, people can always buy new ones. What it all comes down to is that banning anything would be pure stupidity, and you can't just ban all iPods because one student was watching porn. Punish that child, but do not punish them all. What a student has on his/her device is by his/her own choice. If they want porn on it, let them. But reprimand them and take it if they are watching/looking at porn during class. It's difficult to tell between iPod, MP3 player, and discman, and to ban everything is to stir hatred in many students because music is what calms them. Does the school board and the authorities really want to do that?
In other news I have an English essay I must write. I have two of the five paragraphs done, and no concrete quotes from the movie, but I really don't want to cycle through all of the scenes just to find it. In fact, I'm not even sure if we have Forrest Gump on DVD, come to think of it. If we do I might, but it's doubtful. I'm doing my best this time to make it less sophisticated and a little simpler with active voice instead of my usual passive voice. We'll see how it goes come Friday when it is due.
In Spanish I'm expected to write 250 words on an episode of Destinos that we watched. It doesn't sound like a lot, but when writing it in Spanish, it is extremely difficult. I'm hoping that I do well when I have to hand it in by the end of class tomorrow, but... who knows? I can only really hope.
That was my day... More or less.