Title: Milo. Fucking. Rambaldi.
Rating: PG-13.
Pairing: Sydney/Sark...ish
Warnings: Mpreg. Humor.
Disclaimer: All power and glory go to JJ, Bad Robot and the Mouse. I own nothing. I'm just taking the characters out to play and putting them back slightly rumpled.
Spoilers: Spoilers up through Season 3's "Full Disclosure." AU after.
Summary: What happens when you have a vial full of a fertilized embryo and no one to put it in? The Covenant gets creative.
A/N: A Remix of
What to Expect by
celli for the third Remix Redux organized by
musesfool. Many thanks, as always, to
casapazzo for the beta.
Sark woke up sprawled out on a dirty warehouse floor with a pounding headache and no idea where he was.