(no subject)

Oct 04, 2007 20:38

So Mr Brown is thinking of calling a General Election on November 1st? Well, I'm thinking the unthinkable, and for the first time ever, I think I'm going to vote Conservative. Yes, liberal Democrat voting, left-leaning, gay, vegetarian, Guardian-reading Nick is going to vote for the "Nasty Party". Why? Because the only thing the Libs COULD organise is a piss-up in a brewery and Labour are so fucking tired.

You know what? I want lower taxes. I want a government who are going to get really tough on serious crime (I'm more liberal in my views on drug-crime but in all other crime-related areas I think this country needs sorting out fast). The police force is bound and gagged by Labours policies. I think that immigration and border control need tightening up, and the poor in this country need to be put first. I'm sick of paying taxes for people who are getting a free ride. I feel the same about people from the UK who are benefit cheats and teenagers who deliberately have a kid so they can get hand-outs. Get a fucking job. Whenever I've been temporarily out of work I've been treated with near-contempt by the benefits people and I've paid taxes my whole working life. I want inheritance tax to only apply to the rich and I'm sick of our civil rights being made a mockery off. We are standing by whilst our society becomes Big Brother. ID cards can fuck right off. Spend it on the NHS. And I don't think English laws should be handed over to Brussels either.

Do I sound like a Sun reader? Too bad. They are my views. I feel very centre ground in my political beliefs right now, and I like the stuff the Tories are saying far more than any other party. I have deep reservations about them and it's with a great uncertainity that I would vote for them, but they are the party that are speaking to me most, right now.
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