Title: Something Unspoken.
Author: Prochytes.
Fandom: Heroes.
Rating: NC-17. Smut and a little angst.
Characters/Pairing: Charlie Andrews/Hiro Nakamura; Maya Herrera/Mohinder Suresh; Noah Bennet/Sandra Bennet.
Disclaimer: Tim Kring and NBC own the pretty. I return them only a little soiled.
Summary: Sometimes the lies that lovers tell are sins of omission.
Word Count: 300 (three drabbles).
A/N: Spoilers down to 3x05 “Angels and Monsters”
1. World Enough and Time
Long ago, the god-king Zeus lay with a mortal woman, Alcmene. Being the Lord of Heaven and as horny as Hell (or Hades), he did not stop there. Zeus stretched the hours like taffy, turning one night’s love-making into three.
Charlie never told this story to Hiro, whose sense of responsibility put the gods of Greece to shame. But with his hand between her thighs in erotic bullet time, she did not need her perfect memory to be reminded.
(Afterwards she would unfold those nights for rereading at the diner, but only when she had a change of underwear handy.)
2. Tainted Love
When some chefs prepare fugu, traces of venom remain. Death tingles on the taster’s tongue.
Maya’s eyes are moist with tears - salty, certificate U ones. Life is hard on a (rapidly lapsing) good Catholic with a body for sin and a gene for genocide. Not as hard as Mohinder, though.
Whenever Maya comes, her power manifests unawares. Just for a second. But Mohinder’s senses are sharp as the madman’s knife in a slasher flick. He tastes it.
It excites him that this fact would end her, if he shared it. There is more than one poison on Mohinder’s lips.
3. Paper Chains
Sandra had not entered wedlock with any particular expectations. Noah had always been so reserved. She did remember being afraid that she would have to explain about multiple orgasms.
This fear proved unfounded. In bed, Noah displayed a sort of clinical ferocity outside anything in Sandra’s previous experience. The disparity with his usual demeanour might even have alarmed her, if the movements of his fingers and tongue had not exorcized her capacity for rational thought.
Much later, Sandra saw that she really should have wondered why Noah never, ever, seemed to be at a loss for a pair of hand-cuffs.