Sexual Assault is NONE of the IRS' business

Jan 10, 2014 14:45

From Ultraviolet:
The House Judiciary Committee is debating legislation that could force survivors of sexual violence to tell their horrifying stories to...wait for it...Internal Revenue Service agents.

That's because the bill sponsored by Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ) requires women who needed abortion care and are also survivors of sexual violence to prove to IRS auditors that the assault occurred. What?!

If we act now and collect enough signatures to show House leadership that this is not only offensive but also a huge waste of time, we can stop the legislation in its tracks--just like a grassroots outcry stopped efforts to redefine rape in 2011. If we speak out loudly now, we can send a message to politicians that bills like this won't win over women voters, and we can stop this outrageous law in its tracks.

Sign the petition

sexual health, politicians, therapeutic abortion, asshat theatre, women's rights, reproductive health, pl/aa arguements, reproductive health technologies project, articles, reproductive rights, abortion

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