Nov 02, 2011 01:38
Well, after all the crap that has gone on with my job and I, it would seem I have a brand new job!!
I went for an interview, for a job that was put forward for me as part of my redeployment process. Not keen on interviews, quite frankly, I always fuck up, and this time was no different. One of the questions I had to answer I had no idea because I didnt (relating to legislation) and I just had to be honest about it. Up until that point, I thought I had done okay for me.
So I left thinking, well, that's it. Done it again, screwed it up. They told me they would ring after they had decided and after someone else was interviewed. And of course, being down in the dumps and also theatre based for 20 years, I thought I had no chance as most other interviewees would be from ward-based areas and have more idea than I.
11.30am yesterday I got their phone call offering me the job!!!!!!!! Can you say WELL HAPPY?? Chuffed to bits I was, grinning like a dog with ten tails. I think I leapt in the air a couple of times too!! Hubby nearly raised the roof off the house!!
Now, it is only fixed term until March, but you never know what will happen. But for now, I have a new job. Which is...Discharge/Community Liason Nurse. Means I help get people out of hospitals and back into their own environment or even care homes with as much help as they need.
A new challenge but one I will relish, I think. Of course, the leap into the unknown is scary, but...
So yay :-))) Not sure when it will happen but it will be in the next two or three weeks...