Kame's new solo

Apr 07, 2009 21:31

1582: Definitely not disappointed =D

In case you want it, (this version is crystal clear) I've got it on MU.


- his PANTING. And that wet, wet noise 8D. Made me think very dirty thoughts

- The computerized voice made for really good contrast when his real voice came through at the end of the line. It made his actual voice sound really really good <3

- the melody is a little hard to follow when you first hear it because it doesn't follow your generic melody line. Kinda like...you'll expect the next note to go this way but then it goes in a completely different direction. But by now I'm starting to remember :D

- not a 'deep impact' song but in my opinion it's nice <3 and it starts getting catchy real fast.

That's the main first impressions I got from the first listen.

Can't wait for this album. Really wanna hear what SADISTIC LOVE would sound like.

music, kame

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