RESCUE cover

Feb 25, 2009 11:57

(HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLELUV FOR FEB 23. I woke up knowing it was your birthday and it was very nice)

Anyway, lots of people seem to be complaining about 2 things:

Kame's hair.


teh lack of face (RE)

As much as I love gazing at their faces I actually like the legs one though. It's different from their other covers and the black and orange theme looks better without their faces because then there are just 2 main colors jumping out at you instead of 3.

I don't know which one's more awkward for Kame's hair, the one up top or this one

I need a close up!!!

It doesn't look that bad...does it? I mean, I really doubt he'll have that hair for the PV. right? RIGHT?? lol ok I'm calm.

Maru is getting super pimpage for this single.. I don't remember Koki getting any pimpage for Yorokobi...Not that I'm complaining. Maru deserves lots of love.

*sigh* the PV better come out soon. Before I listen to this song more than 50 times and get sick of it. Because I'm kinda addicted lol.

graphic, music, kat-tun

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