to JE in business forever...amen

Feb 11, 2009 22:56

1st day sales for ONE DROP isn't as bad as I thought (79,xxx) . I'd forgotten what the numbers are supposed to look like, so I had to go look up stuff. But yeah, not bad. Considering the current global economic mess ahahaha. Doing economics at uni is starting to do weird stuff to my head. I mean, the other day I was wondering how hard JE would be getting hit by the slowdown since most entertainment businesses (HELL, most businesses. period) are having revenues drop like woah.

Let's just hope Johnny doesn't suddenly go and declare bankruptcy on us all.


ONE DROP is catchy I'll admit that. I've just listened to it twice and already it's echoing all over my neurons.

But I kinda like D-T-S better. Actually no, I just like a certain part of this song better: Koki's rap. The long rap before the final round of choruses where Koki was rapping in layers over himself. I've never admitted this, or it's just never been obvious enough to say but I LOVE IT. SRSLY LOVE IT when Koki goes "Woi" - or however you spell that weird sound he makes. And the beat of that rap. I just really liked it, the whole bit. I don't care so much for the chorus but I keep on repeating that rap bit again and again.

We're back into high-pitch terrority with OD. I liked Kame and Jin's singing in it though (especially Jin in 1st verse <333). The others' singing didn't quite ring so well at this pitch but overall it's still a good song. Still haven't seen the PV. Gonna dl soon.

music, kat-tun, je

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