Feb 22, 2005 13:20
So I had that one good day. I guess to balance out the universe, yesterday had to happen. Thankfully, nothing majorly bad happened, I just happened to be in a massive funk. Work was pissing me off. My sales were heinous, and I kept getting these evil, EVIL people that need to beaten to death. And Outlook calls. Oh, how I love the Outlook calls. I DO NOT WORK FOR MICROSOFT, GODDAMN IT. If your Outlook is hosed, call them, not me, please. I got to hop in the billing que again, but only for one call, because someone logged in with the same agent number, kicking me out, and when I went to Mark to complain about it, he noticed that there were no calls in que anyways, so he had me go back to the general support que.
Oh, and then they actually wanted me to do callbacks for ATS (Advanced Tech Support). HELL FUCKING NO. First of all, and most importantly, I do not like to call people in any way, shape, or form. Even if I know that the person will give me money, I do not want to call them. It's my weird thing. So if the sole reason for me to call them is of an advanced technical matter, that lowers my willingness to do it from zero to "I will stab you if you make me do it." And of course, I felt really guilty for turning them down, because I know how backed up they were.
I submitted my application and resume to HR for the QA position. I don't really what my chances are like, but it really is something I'd be interested in. I had Parker look over my paperwork and he said he'd interview me based on it, but I'm not really sure if he was just saying it to be nice or not. The schedule would be murder- 7 AM- 3:30, Tuesday-Saturday. I really have grown to like my 3 days off, not that I really use them for anything, but that's another complaint for another time.
I think we got that whole overtime missing thing worked out, but sadly, I believe that the resolution was to have the money put on my NEXT paycheck. I'm not really sure, because Mark decided to have this conversation with me while there were 20 people in que and I had someone shadowing me, so my concentration was elsewhere.
Oh, and to top EVERYTHING else off, Ashley is going to a new team, effective Friday. It was offered to me as well, but I opted to turn it down. First of all, the supervisor is someone who was in my training class. That makes me sad. I would feel so inadequate in that situation. Plus, I kinda like being on this team. Yeah, Mark and I aren't buddies like I was with Parker, nor does he give me fun gossip like Jerry did, but he has connections that I can use. Technically speaking, he's not as advanced as.. um.. me, or most normal reps, but for billing purposes, he's helpful.
Oh, and my step-father just called me to inform me that the people buying our house are coming over tomorrow from 8 AM til 11:30 to inspect everything. What the fuck am I supposed to do for three and a half hours in the morning? I could shop, but I'm trying to shy away from that. AMC doesn't even open until 11:30, so the free movie thing is out of the question. And my previous plans of sleep have obviously been broken.
Maybe I'll just hide under my bed and hope they don't look there.