not much of importance

Oct 19, 2010 15:10

I filled out my Cambridge absentee ballot last weekend. The Boston Globe has set up a reasonably good site summarizing the background and experience of the candidates, and comparing their responses to questions on the "issues." Wikipedia ended up being another reasonable source of information...better than many of the candidates' own websites, which were often riddled with grammatical and spelling errors. Oops. Cambridge made it very easy to send in an absentee ballot this year, even going so far as to send me a UPS return shipping label. I don't recall that being the case in the 2008 elections.

Tomorrow morning I'm starting weekly allergy shots. I've always had pretty bad seasonal allergies, and this year I finally got around to seeing an allergist. They did the skin-prick test: one arm for foods, and the other arm for environmental allergens (mold, grass, cats, etc). Nothing happened on the food arm, but most of the environmental arm swelled up beautifully. The allergist said, "we don't see many people more allergic than you." Yay, I win! Sadly I'm not getting the 'cat' formula in my shots - the allergist said it was more important to put in my top three seasonal allergens, and that adding more would reduce their efficacy. So I'll have to continue to admire the kitties from afar.

Sidewalk graffiti along Spadina

boston, life, photos

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