Final NaNo count!

Nov 30, 2009 21:05

The last few days have been a little hectic, what with Thanksgiving, dealing with the last of my San Francisco head cold, and the like...

...but nevertheless, Ramparts has continued apace (despite losing a day of writing to a reading splurge and relatives - bah!), and I just... um... finally got through one of the major plot points that was supposed to kick off the main plot.

At about 67,000 words and counting. ^^;

I just remind myself that the same thing happened with the first book - and that, at this point, that "major plot point" is actually kicking off the main crisis - hence all the time devoted to setting it up...

Official: 67,751 words [Ramparts: Barbican] 2,258 words/day
Unofficial: 16,901 words (14,570 words [Journal], 1,331 words [Grad school applications])

stories, barbican, writing, ramparts, nanowrimo

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