I wrote a fluff fic. About Sasuke in Sound. Shoot me now, please...

May 19, 2006 17:57

Disclaimer: This is just a silly crack!fic, although it somehow took a weirdly serious twist. I had a random ridiculous-mental-image, got an encouraging response at just the wrong moment… And this resulted.
                By the way, when I originally got the idea, I (mistakenly) thought that a mongoose was a kind of weasel. Thirty seconds on ( Read more... )

fanfiction, silly, naruto

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amarisee May 20 2006, 20:21:15 UTC
He he... I've already ordered you the same white vest with the very long sleeves like mine... ^_~

Well there is nothing wrong with having Sakura-interaction in there. But I think you are right in wanting to keep this all from Sasuke's point of view. That way, the whole thing is more consistent. And also, even if it is more Sakura-focused in the end, she would expect no less than Sasuke being a tight clam as usual...

Yes, Midriff-boy. Well, you know I am not too fond of him, but, as I've said in my comments I believe, I do think it is a liability if you wear an outfit with huge target signs that read "VITAL ORGANS HERE, HERE and HERE".

As for ideas... Oh, I got plenty. I think I wrote some in my *gasp* 23 comments. Some of them really go on a tangent, sorry about that...

Sort of an affirmation-by-denial
Noooo! Don't get me started on that "denial" idea again!! *dies*

"Is Tachi a boy or a girl?" To which Sasuke just gave her a blank, "what-the-hell-does-that-have-to-do-with-anything?"
Erm... not that Sasuke is actually going to go check, right?


proanon May 21 2006, 02:11:56 UTC
Liability doesn't BEGIN to describe it.

And about the comments... *coughs* I spent a huge chunk of my afternoon and evening responding... and I'm only half-way through #5. Maybe we should start paring it down a bit after all. *slices the words clean through* *cough* Nevermind that...

Noooo! Don't get me started on that "denial" idea again!! *dies* *laughs* Only in this case, we're talking about denial that is actually affirmation. :-P

(And why the heck should he check? He doesn't care. That's Tachi's business, not his.)


amarisee May 21 2006, 11:01:46 UTC
Oh, but when Tachi starts to hump his leg, that might become his problem... ^_^

As for the comments, yes, we can maybe divide them into "Chapter 307", "returning to Konoha", etc.., you know, cohesive but smaller parts, so we can respond to them separately.

As much as I do not want to reduce this conversation


proanon May 21 2006, 11:07:28 UTC
(*...laughs* Point.)

...except that we then end up touching on each conversation in about three different places. :-P

To be honest, I'm far too amused by how long it's getting for my own good...

By the way, have I mentioned that I find that userpic adorable?


amarisee May 21 2006, 12:04:20 UTC
Hell! I would want to hump Sasuke's leg!

True, true. There is nothing that can be done about that. (I am trying to hide the very large grin, here... ^_^)

But, if you do reach 25 parts this time, I might set myself the challenge to write a fic as well. You've actually given me motivation and plot bunnies... Bit worried because writing in English is difficult, but *very* thankful because writing is something I love and I have not done so for so long.

Oh, Yuki is *cute* in mouse-form, I love it! My icons are normally very bad (I am Photoshop-impaired), but this one worked out very well!!


proanon May 21 2006, 16:02:36 UTC
...*refuses to dignify that with a response* :-P

Oh dear. You're challenging me to make it LONGER? *smirk* You're on. ^_^ (Is English not your native language? *remembers you talking about traveling and such in the latest post, but has been concentrating on writing up her reply and so doesn't remember it all that clearly*)

Yuki... Fruits Basket? I know nothing about the series save what I've gathered via Internet Osmosis, but...


amarisee May 21 2006, 16:31:38 UTC
Oh dear! What have I done! I thought that maybe you would "naturally" reach this number ^_~ but if you don't, I am fic free! Yay!!

I am French, so the fics I have written were all in French. I translated some of them. Some were OK, some, I was just thinking "What was I on, when I tried to translate that??"

As for furuba, yes, it is lovely. The series wasn't half bad, but obviously doesn't cover half of the manga, with may characters not included, and many recent twists missing. Oh well...

Yuki is the introverted, aloof character with issues related to his painful past in the Sohma house (I really don't know why I would like a character like that ^_~). Though come to think of it, and not downplaying some of the trauma he had to deal with, there are Sohma out there with much bigger problems...


proanon May 21 2006, 21:19:20 UTC
*smirks with wry amusement* Hate to break it to you, but my current expectations are 'probably will be somewhere around thirty windows.' *chuckles, perhaps a little TOO pleased with herself*

The way I see it, the longer this thing gets, the longer I'll have to think and write in the interim. And I think that the Great Discussion is doing good things for my writing productivity...

French? ...wow, there's a bit of irony (considering that I can trace meeting you back to Asuka, who is also French). I'm American - unfortunately. -_- *sighs* 'Tis a sad day indeed when you feel vaguely humiliated about admitting your own nationality. (And now I feel like an idiot and a bit of a bigot, for being surprised. Sorry about that. *hangs her head*)

What? An introverted, complicated and angsty character? Where have your standards gone. :-P


amarisee May 21 2006, 21:46:14 UTC
Thirty... Thirty... Thirty???? *dies... then grins because she thinks this could be a GOOD thing*

Of course that means I will need to put my backside into gear and actually write something, on top of the response, of course!!

I'm not too sure it will be as good or cute as your Tachi fic, but I will try hard!!

Yes, Asuka and I were discussing how we both write in English and French, with various degrees of success. And there is nothing wrong with being American, I have great friends there and I lived in Seattle and San Francisco.

As for being surprised, don't worry either, I think Asuka said the same because she can normally tell! I don't tend to make a point of it either: if people can understand my English, then I don't worry and continue ranting... ^_^

Where have your standards gone. :-P
So I see that you weren't exactly surprised about that... ^_~


proanon May 22 2006, 03:18:39 UTC
*sighs and looks slightly woeful* ...let me put it this way. If I don't increase the number of reply windows by at least a third... it won't have been for lack of trying.

I find the idea of being so fluent in another language that there's no way to tell you aren't a native speaker to be incredible. I love languages - I like learning new ones, and I like figuring out all the little nit-picky details of how the ones I do know work.

(Wait a minute... and you read Japanese as well? *falls over and twitches*)

I will say this. If your stories come across anything as well as your discussion, anything by you would be a delight to read. ^_^

So I see that you weren't exactly surprised about that... ^_~ Stunned absolutely speechless. *deadpan*


amarisee May 22 2006, 08:40:19 UTC
it won't have been for lack of trying.
You know, in between talking to you and writing my answers, I've thought about plenty of questions, mainly about Kabuto and Orochimaru (which we've touched on in our discussion marathon. I guess I WILL have to add them to my answer.

I'll definitely create a new post for my answer as well! (It might be the day I discover if lj has a character limit on posts!!)

Since I am pretty much doomed to write a fic now (I should have said 35!!), I'm trying to get all my ideas in order, and what would work and what wouldn't... Haven't done that in a while, and it's half exciting, half scaring me to bits!!

I love languages - I like learning new ones, and I like figuring out all the little nit-picky details of how the ones I do know work.
Exactly! I love, love languages. It also gives you an insight in the culture, as the language, by definition, is the way to express one's thoughts. And the way to put it across (and this is very true in Japanese) reflects the mentality of the people (it's the whole "language shapes the thought" idea. And while I don't agree to it in its entirety, there are elements which actually work).

(Wait a minute... and you read Japanese as well? *falls over and twitches*)
I started Japanese almost by accident (someone stuffed a flyer in my pocket on my way to the train station one day), and I decided to go to the school, because I'm interested in languages... I ended up coming back 2 or 3 times a week!
Never regretted it. I had wanted to learn Japanese, just didn't know there was a school here! Sadly, it closed down a while ago. But now I go to Japan regularly, my friends make me speak Japanese, not a word of French or English. Best way to learn though!!

If your stories come across anything as well as your discussion, anything by you would be a delight to read. ^_^
I really, really worry about this! (but really appreciate your faith in my pitiful skills!). Writing an argument is one thing, because it is factual. Writing and conveying feelings and emotions is more difficult. I think I write decently in French, but in English, I am terrified!

You know, since we were talking about Furuba, now I can also make my bad jokes about the Sohma transforming back and forth naked. But I won't because people will think I am a pervert... ^_~


proanon May 22 2006, 11:02:44 UTC
...Have you noticed that we're doing it again?

Well, you'll probably have plenty of opportunity to think about ideas. I doubt my response will be up until tomorrow at the earliest, considering that I only just finished responding to #10. *laughs sheepishly*

Ask away, though! I'm curious to hear what you think. And besides - these discussions are helping to force me to actually think about certain things - conclusions I'd jumped to, characterizations that perhaps aren't as canon-based as I thought, etc.

It's the whole "language shapes the thought" idea. And while I don't agree to it in its entirety, there are elements which actually work. I'm with you whole-heartedly there. All in all, what people say and think is pretty consistent. We just have different ways of saying what we think, and sometimes that does affect how you think about things. (Interesting point I noticed: In Japanese, picking a fight is phrased as "selling a fight," and if the other person responds, then they're "buying a fight." Spreads the blame a bit differently...)

I picked up Japanese because a friend of mine was very much into anime. Fortunately, she chose Miyazaki as my introduction to the genre. :-P But when she showed me subtitled anime, I got curious and started teaching myself. And now look where I am! *shakes her head*

Writing an argument is one thing, because it is factual. Writing and conveying feelings and emotions is more difficult. *arches an eyebrow* Are they so different? I was under the impression that we had several fairly emotionally charged discussions going in The Thread. Sure, we put a pretty coat of logic over it, but it's still there. *grins* Which is just another way of saying, "Poke! Poke! Try it!"

You? A pervert? Where would people get such an idea. *smiles wryly*


amarisee May 22 2006, 12:42:00 UTC
... Yes, I had noticed! Bad Good habits are hard to break! But why would I since I'm enjoying this so much???

Well, I've been a bad person and watched some of the anime this week-end (since I've been reading the manga lately). I was at the Chuunin exam, and that triggered my memory (I think the anime was pretty close to the manga there). It was about Kabuto and Orochimaru having this whole discussion on how the curse seal (even sealed by Kakashi at this point), would still be active as long as Sasuke "still had that darkness in his heart". I need to put my thoughts in order, but that kind of worked with my ideas on how the curse seal works with Sasuke, and the great "but is it truly Sasuke" debate. Which is why I thought about expanding in this in the Great Debate.

Regarding linguistics, yes, that's very true (Yay! I've learnt something today: "selling a fight". Interesting ...). I'm often asked: "Do you think in French, or English?", and I always tell people that it depends what I think about. If my thought is closer to something that can be best expressed in English (with all idioms, and underlying meanings of some words), then I will think in English, if it is closer to a French meaning, then it will pop up in my head in French.

Your Japanese must be light years ahead of mine though! And since it is quite difficult to pick up (especially on your own), I can totally appreciate the efforts you must have put in it (and the dedication... but you seem to have good motivations!!)

I was under the impression that we had several fairly emotionally charged discussions going in The Thread. Sure, we put a pretty coat of logic over it, but it's still there.
OK... you so got me there... I was going for excuses, but I see I can't fool you! (And yes, we did. I am such a bucket of sap at times...)


proanon May 22 2006, 13:39:03 UTC
*chuckles* Actually, I just got to that part of The Thread in my response. For the record, I actually completely agree with you on it being still Sasuke - I don't think I worded myself very clearly before. -_- Oooops.

(It is neat. 「ケンカを売っているのか?じゃ、俺がそれを買うんだ!」- line from a random manga I read that really drove the phrase home, because it's a clever line, and yet there's no equally clever way to translate it into English because there isn't an English set phrase for getting into a fight with someone who was picking a fight. (And did you know, "Fighting words" are called 売り言葉? And the responding (angry) words are called 買い言葉? Yes, I know, I'm hopeless...)

And I'm with you on the whole thinking-in-a-language thing. Which gets really annoying, sometimes - particularly if I'm trying to come up with a story, and the characters start speaking in Japanese. Which makes fanfiction doubly hard, since my fandoms are largely Japanese-based and I do my best to read the original works, so I'm used to thinking about them in Japanese! Narration I can usually manage just fine in English - but that means I often get stories where the narration is in English but I want to write the dialog in Japanese. Gah.

but you seem to have good motivations!! ...*coughs* And of course it has nothing to do with the fact that I just find the idea of being able to read a completely different writing system to be the most absolutely coolest thing ever... no, no connection at all...

Sappiness is nice. Angst and anger are good, but sometimes it's NICE to melt into a warm puddle of happy goo. (Speaking of which... here's a deal. I'll try to write up another story, if you manage to come up with yours. ^_^ Although warning, it's not going to be a happy one, because the weasel currently staring at me has the Mangekyou Sharingan. Meeep.)


amarisee May 22 2006, 14:58:18 UTC
Hi hi!

The never-ending Thread! I've been thinking more about that Cursed Seal's influence on Sasuke, actually. On top of what I said above. I've also come to the conclusion, when you reach the "I wonder what Sasuke learnt in his years in Sound", that Orochimaru would insist on teaching him how to detach himself from his ties (in particular Naruto), and would also feed his hatred of his brother (for the reason explained above!). It might go against his ultimate goal (Sasuke will want to stay alive and go kill his brother, not being taken over...), but Orochimaru needs this hatred for the seal to be a deterrent. Or, if Sasuke really only cares about killing his brother and not about anything that could happen afterwards, Orochimaru might have struck a deal that he will teach Sasuke skills and grant him enough power to kill Itachi, providing Ororchimaru can take over his body after it is done.
That wouldn't quite work for obvious reasons, on top of the fact that, if Sasuke becomes powerful enough to kill Itachi, why should not just "off" Orochimaru afterwards?

But, ahem, I will leave this until I get your reply (don't worry, any day and time is fine!), so I can expand on it in context.

By which time Chapter 308 would have been out, and...

Yes! urikotoba! I remember having that talk with one of my (ex)teachers who became a great friend of mine! But that is exactly the point: there are some cultural points that you just can't express correctly out of context and out of language...

I'm really envious of your level of Japanese now! (I have had little time, and honestly, been a little lazy with the study lately). It is cool. I bet you probaly get looks from everybody if you ever get a Japanese book out. But it's also a proof of discipline and will, so I think most people would agree that it is an amazing thing. At least, I think so.

But I can see how difficult it would be, to have the actual thoughts and dialogue, and you know you can *never* express them the same way, and direct translation just does not work.

Ah, sap. Yes. Sometimes, you just need something nice and comfy, and ... Well, I am a sap myself...

You're on for the deal, btw. I will get the fic out, which will be a miracle in itself, but where there is a will, there is a way! Of course, now I fully expect an angsty or mean fic...^_~


proanon May 23 2006, 03:44:07 UTC
*reads the comments on Orochimaru and feeding Sasuke's obsessions and bursts out laughing* You know, we've either been talking too much (*eyes her response - all thirty frickin' PAGES of it - and rolls her eyes; that one isn't even worth commenting on*) or we think far too similarly at times - because I came to the exact same conclusion. Although go ahead and toss it into your response, and we'll see what debates spring from THAT. ^_~

Oh, by the way - my responses should go up tomorrow. ^_^ Right now, me sleeeeep...

I do get odd looks when I pull out a Japanese novel, yes. And even odder ones when I pull out my electronic dictionary and the little book I keep for scribbling words. But usually my handwriting deters people. (I have TINY handwriting, which is only encouraged by the fact that I use Japanese uber-fine-tip pens - when I'm taking notes in class or scrawling down a story idea, it's not uncommon for me to fit three, four or even five lines of writing into a single ruled space on my notepaper. ^^;) :-P But my ego thanks you kindly for the praise!

And yes, the story thing is HIGHLY irritating. *glares at some of the story ideas* Dammit, can't you things at the very least pick ONE language and stick to it?

Sap is purr. ^_^

Okay, dark and angsty it is. I just have one question: when Itachi first uses Tsukiyomi on Sasuke, does he lay out parameters and time? There's no mention of it in the manga that I could find - I figured I'd ask and see if there was anime-canon for that, and failing that, I'd make something up...


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