Disclaimer: This is just a silly crack!fic, although it somehow took a weirdly serious twist. I had a random ridiculous-mental-image, got an encouraging response at just the wrong moment… And this resulted.
By the way, when I originally got the idea, I (mistakenly) thought that a mongoose was a kind of weasel. Thirty seconds on
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Comments 55
*rolls in awesomeness and cute and ahhhh sasuke in sound and no evil angst but mmm undercurrents and eeeeeeeeee*
damn it.
the weasel is too adorable for words and AHHH I WANT THINGS TO END THAT WAY TOO I WANT I WANT I WANT.
even though i'd think he'd be more disgruntled and uneasy and hiding it by being an ass with naruto and sakura at the end, the rest is so perfectly Sasuke. and also the weasel is cute. And guh why don't you write more often damn you. I want more fic from you like now. *prodprod*
(and don't mess with real text, because now my whole flist is in italics. XD you're gonna have to deal with normal, i'm afraid. But then do you really need indentations if you double-space?)
JoIsBishMyoga: pet weasel...
Askerian: ^^
JoIsBishMyoga: PET. WEASEL.
Askerian: YES.
Then she goes on about not knowing how to gush because it makes her feel stupid. But the intent is there.
I agree, though -- awesome! you explained his clothes. *admires* :O
*now prepares to get killed by Jo*
(...*blinks* The clothes? You mean the fact that he just woke up? I posted that explanation in your LJ post about Chapter 306, too. :-P)
Besides, somehow, being an ass after suddenly reuniting and then needing vanish on them again just didn't work. Although if you have any suggestions, go ahead, because this is actually the first time I've ever actually written something for Naruto beyond either 'oh, this scene would be neat' or 'maybe this character is thinking/was thinking this.' Or the random and frankly slightly disturbing, vaguely perverted scenelets that I've dropped on your comments boards a time or two. ;-PSorry about the italics thing. You're right, real text isn't worth screwing with. And I didn't mean to double-space, I was just sick and tired of dealing with it at that point. (The big thing I'd worry about is that I ( ... )
Also, the just-woke-up thing? I just assumed that one. >.> I'm glad someone else did too. People ranted about his outfit and I was thinking '...but he just got up. Give him a minute!' ^^;
Besides, there's easy proof he doesn't always dress like that. *points at the silhouette-Sasuke we saw earlier* Lookie-lookie, big collar! ...And now I'll be forever cursed to think of those massive collars as 'weasel-baskets.' -_- *turns and points to Sasuke's current outfit* Lookie-lookie, no... Hey, I'm talking about his shirt, not his chest, stop drooling already. -_- Anyway, there's a notable lack of big weasel-basket-style collar at the moment...
Glad you liked the story. ^_^
Sasuke was just really very impressive in this fic, lol. And that's kind of hard to pull off! So yeah. Great job! I wish it would really go like that ;__; plus the weasel too, haha. That totally made the whole story! XD
I loved it. Sasuke in Sound and not Orochimaru's whore. That's awesome. *squicked by OroxSasu*
Someone should draw Sasuke with Tachi. Yes. hehe
I can see where people get the OroxSasu idea... but to my mind, Sasuke would quite happily make the issue far more trouble than it was worth for Orochimaru. :-P
(...*is NOT considering drawing Sasuke and Tachi now. Period. No. Have other things to do* ... *...dammit, brain...*)
And weasel Tachi is just too sweet for words.
The fic goes straight to my favourites now.
Thank you for writing such a great story.
I didn't know that! Man, that's really cool. Where can I find out more about these legends?
A lot of it is looking at lots of different manga, and recognizing 'types' of monsters that just seem to show up all over the place. The rest is just recognizing a certain 'look' that tends to get associated with Oni. (For example, Sasuke's hair in the second-level curse seal form reminds me of the wigs from Noh plays used to indicate "insane, possessed and/or an oni.")
For legends in general, www.pantheon.org has a pretty good selection. Other than that, I can't really help you. Although I'll look around, if/when I have time - and if you find anything, pass me a link?
Sasuke's hair in the second-level curse seal form reminds me of the wigs from Noh plays used to indicate "insane, possessed and/or an oni."
Ooo, thanks for telling me that too! According to my cross-cultural aesthetics book, Japanese art frequently opts to suggest things rather than spelling it out, so things that appear to be allusions should be taken seriously. When I read in that same book that the emblem of Shintoism is three commas whirling together to form a circle, to represent the trifold and unpredictable nature of change (expansion, contraction, and evolution) I about died. But it makes sense, doesn't it? It suggests that the Sharingan user's ability to predict, understand, and copy movements stems from an understanding of the nature of change itself...
Oh, wow. That sounds like a NEAT book. And the three commas thing is a Shinto emblem? THAT, I didn't know! Which is to say, I knew it was a Japanese kamon (or something similar), but I didn't know what it was associated with.
Only one small thing to point out, though. That three-commas-together thing isn't necessarily the Sharingan. The Sharingan, if anything, is spaced too far apart. The symbol DOES show up, however - in the curse seal. Food for thought, that. :-P (...Although that could be the curse seal responding to Sasuke's Uchihaness, and the fact that Orochimaru is after him mostly for the Sharingan.)
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