I'm posting the rules of the comm here.
Please read everything carefully before posting to avoid warnings and possibly bans.
- You need to be a member of the community to post. To become a member, click the “Join Community” link at the header of the page. After that, you can start posting in this comm.
- This is a graphics community only. Do not spam, talk about your life or anything that does not concern any kind of image manipulation. This is not your diary.
- You are allowed to post icons, avatars, wallpapers, signatures and all kinds of graphics here. Mature content allowed, as long as there is a visible warning outside the cut.
- Animes, mangas and games only. No cartoons, no comics, no movies.
- Crosspost is allowed (but please state you're crossposting it here/somewhere).
- Hide your stuff behind a cut! Whether it's a normal or a fake cut we don't care, but make sure to hide it behind one (ask help to the moderators if you don't know how to do it). Previews are fine.
- Feel free to comment asking questions. :)
Tagging Rules:
- Tagging your post correctly is mandatory. To tag your post, do it in the following order: fandom (Kingdom Hearts, Kanon, Gankutsuou, etc), medium (icon, wallpaper, signature, etc), rating (PG, PG-13, R, etc).
Example: fandom:kingdom hearts, medium:icon, rating:pg-13.
- Before adding a new tag, make sure you check the Tag list before posting. Don't create a tag called 'KH' if there already is a 'Kingdom Hearts' one.
- Fandom is based on a whole series, therefore, you don't need to tag the anime/game with it's full name, just the series/franchise name.
Example: Kingdom Hearts is Kingdom hearts, no need to tag which game your icons come from, like 1, 2, Re:Com or 358/2 Days. Kanon is Kanon, no need to state whether you used the first canon or Kanon 2006 in your works.
Exception: For the Final Fantasy franchise, or any other series that bear the same title (like Macross and Gundam), but different plot/time/universe/characters, tagging the whole title is fine, and mandatory.
Example: Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy Dissidia, Resident Evil 4, Resildent Evil 5, Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed, etc.
Exception to the Exception (this is getting ridiculous): Final Fantasy VII is Final Fantasy VII. No tagging Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core or any other spin-off. It's just Final Fantasy VII. Same rule applies to Final Fantasy X (X and X-2 are X). Fabula Nova Crystallis games should be tagged by their names (Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Final Fantasy Agito XIII).
- Whenever your post is not work-safe (aka, contains mature content, besides the rating tag, make sure you add a warning BEFORE the livejournal cut, using red color and bold. You will be immediately banned if you do not follow this rule, so If you don't know how to do so, contact a mod before posting.