[Log] Mission in the Middle East

Jul 24, 2009 15:09

WHO: Allen Walker, Kanda Yuu (pro_aeternitas AKA the one that spells "tch" weirdly, like so. :D ), Millenium Earl/AKUMA/whatever you feel like throwing at us xD, and anyone else who feels like tagging in. [OPEN]
WHAT: Our lovely, disagreeable pair are sent on an Innocence retrieval mission to... India. The city of Mumbai, originating as a Portuguese colony in the 16th century, holds many wonders and surprises. What lies in store for our exorcists? (Picked randomly off a map. Wikipedia is awesome: Follow it )
WHERE: Look up.^
WHEN: Late morning? After latest manga chapter. After THIS.
NOTE: After a while, this log will become [CLOSED] and there will be a set order of posting so we don't get confused and end up all posting at the same time and killing the timeline of events. Yeah, if I'm doing this wrong, do tell me! D: This might be a long log because a mission usually lasts more than a day, amirite?
EDIT: Order: Kanda > Allen > Millenium Earl/Akuma


Kanda stood at the entrance to Gate 12, glancing through his mission file. This time, they were being sent to India, specifically the capital of the state of Maharashtra. His dark eyes found the photograph of Taj Mahal, clipped to the front page. Architecturally beautiful. And not the least bit helpful to his mission. The file stated that Finders had found evidence of Akuma in the surrounding outskirts of the area. As for the Innocence, Kanda noted with annoyance, its exact position had not yet been confirmed. It seemed that the Order was not taking any chances. By the time the Innocence was found, it might already be in the enemy's hands.

Which meant Kanda was being sent there to look for the Innocence. Dammit, that was the Finders' job, not his! What was Komui thinking?! Ever since Central had sent in some of their agents, the Black Order's operations had started becoming like this. It pissed him off to no end. Not to mention those Third Exorcists...

Flipping through the rest of the pages, Kanda snapped his file closed angrily, startling the poor guard standing across from him, trying to pretend he didn't exist. The poor lad had been sent over from Central only recently and had made the mistake of trying to talk to the "pretty exorcist girl with long, black hair." Only a few days into his new position and he had already been introduced firsthand to the point of Mugen.

Mentioned sword was gripped in the Japanese exorcist's hand while his other clutched a similar file to his own. Impatiently, he wondered yet again what was taking the brat so long to get the hell over here. It had been, what, two minutes already since he had first recruited the Beansprout to the mission! If he made him wait any longer, Kanda decided he would ditch him and go on the mission alone, no matter what Komui said.

Actually, Kanda would have preferred not having to do a mission with the younger exorcist, especially after... that time in the hallway. Needless to say, if the brat had done anything close to mentioning what had happened, Kanda would kill the bastard with no second thought. Moyashi better not mention anything about it during the mission either.

"Goddammit, where is he?!"

*log, allen, millenium earl, open, kanda

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