[Log] A Typical Day

Jul 20, 2009 20:59

WHO: Kanda Yuu and Lavi
WHAT: A typical day of training and meditation. No, scratch that. A typical day of would-be training and meditation if only it hadn't been interrupted by a certain eyepatched rabbit.
WHERE: Kanda's room, can move to other places
WHEN: Morning? Sure why not.


It was a typical day at the Black Order HQ. It was not raining for the first time in a week and Kanda was glad for it. Raining meant he had to stay indoors and it also meant he would probably not be sent out for a mission. No, it was not for any silly reason such as he might catch a cold or the weather might impede his work. The insane head scientist, also known as a certain Komui Lee, had refused to let any of them go out in rainy weather because they would get wet. And it would ruin the quality of their uniforms. This was an absolute "NO." Ruined uniforms = use of more money to get new ones. Use of more money = less funds for the Order = less funds for the Science Department = Komui loses.

In fact, this had been so enforced (at drill-point by Komui) that the Chinese man had insisted on keeping the doors locked. And no matter what Kanda thought, there was unfortunately no way he could get out unless he wanted Mugen taken away from him.

So it was obviously a great relief for the day to be sunny and for the doors to be unlocked. Kanda intended to use it productively before the mad scientist thought up any more tricks to keep him under house arrest.

As soon as Kanda had finished his morning soba in the mess hall, he'd made straight for his room. It was early in the morning, almost eight. In the Japanese exorcist's standards, this was rather late in the day for him to begin training. He usually woke well before anyone else did and usually made off to the forests below to train at six.

Adjusting the tie in his hair, Kanda picked up Mugen and made for the door. If luck would allow it, he could train until noon without being disturbed.

*log, lavi, kanda

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