Apr 26, 2005 20:18
"Danny" [7:48 PM]: ITS A JOKE MAN!!!!!
CharmGrls [7:48 PM]: i know i know...i was just kidding
"Danny" [7:48 PM]: thats what i thought punk lol
CharmGrls [7:49 PM]: lol
"Danny" [7:50 PM]: how was the nite of ur birthday?
CharmGrls [7:50 PM]: it was okay
"Danny" [7:50 PM]: i'm talking to chris, forget u sam
CharmGrls [7:50 PM]: HEY!
"Danny" [7:51 PM]: hey nothing, i dont appreciate ur attitude towards me lately
CharmGrls [7:51 PM]: what!?!
"Danny" [7:51 PM]: i dont know i just picking a fight lol
CharmGrls [7:51 PM]: don't do that
CharmGrls [7:51 PM]: FINE!
"Danny" [7:51 PM]: FINE! lol
Auto response from CharmGrls [7:51 PM]: if you are:
or just plain grouchy
...there will be a $10 charge
for putting up with you
"Danny" [7:51 PM]: make it 20
"Danny" [7:52 PM]: :-(
"Danny" [7:52 PM]: :-\
"Danny" [7:52 PM]: :'(
"Danny" [7:53 PM]: SAMI!!!!!
"Danny" [7:53 PM]: my little football is getting all dehydrated
"Danny" [7:53 PM]: O:-)
"Danny" [7:53 PM]: :-*
"Danny" [7:54 PM]: that one was kinda gay
"Danny" [7:54 PM]: >:o
"Danny" [7:54 PM]: fine i wont talk anymore
"Danny" [7:54 PM]: :-X
"Danny" [7:55 PM]: do u want it paid cash, check, visa, or american express?
"Danny" [7:56 PM]: r u not in front of the comp. cuz that would really suck
"Danny" [7:56 PM]: well my ppls, i gotta go, later
"Danny" [7:57 PM]: GOTCHA!!!!!
CharmGrls [7:57 PM]: haha
CharmGrls [7:57 PM]: lol
CharmGrls [7:57 PM]: i want cash
"Danny" [7:57 PM]: whose this?
CharmGrls [7:57 PM]: either that or some corona
"Danny" [7:57 PM]: does chris know u drink, huh buddy?
CharmGrls [7:58 PM]: lol
CharmGrls [7:58 PM]: he doesn't know i drink a lot, but he knows i've had a beer before
"Danny" [7:58 PM]: so what made u start drinking all of a sudden?
"Danny" [7:58 PM]: is he there?
CharmGrls [7:58 PM]: yah but he's watching tv
CharmGrls [7:59 PM]: i just started hanging out with some parents from work and i get one pretty much daily now whenever i go over someone
CharmGrls [7:59 PM]: *someone's house
"Danny" [8:00 PM]: some catholics huh? lol
CharmGrls [8:00 PM]: lol
CharmGrls [8:00 PM]: ain't no where in the catholic bible that says you can't have a drink
"Danny" [8:00 PM]: it says drink to be happy, not to get drunk
"Danny" [8:01 PM]: especially driving!!!!
CharmGrls [8:01 PM]: i don't get drunk
"Danny" [8:01 PM]: awwwww.......
"Danny" [8:02 PM]: ur gonna have a beer belly pretty soon
CharmGrls [8:02 PM]: shut up
CharmGrls [8:02 PM]: until i'm 21
CharmGrls [8:02 PM]: and then i won't... cuz i'll be drinking my daquiris and sex on the beach!
CharmGrls [8:02 PM]: hehe
"Danny" [8:02 PM]: speaking of sex on the beach, lol
CharmGrls [8:02 PM]: lol
"Danny" [8:03 PM]: wat chu doin friday? lmao lmao
"Danny" [8:03 PM]: i'm kidding
CharmGrls [8:03 PM]: lol
CharmGrls [8:03 PM]: i'm working friday anyway
CharmGrls [8:03 PM]: :-(
"Danny" [8:03 PM]: u didnt get it
"Danny" [8:04 PM]: lol
CharmGrls [8:04 PM]: yah i did
"Danny" [8:05 PM]: ya well u couldnt do it during the day anyways
CharmGrls [8:05 PM]: and i said either way i had to work friday night
"Danny" [8:05 PM]: where u working at on a friday night?
CharmGrls [8:05 PM]: the school has a dance and i gotta chaperone
"Danny" [8:07 PM]: yeah right ur gonna go spike the punch rnt u?
CharmGrls [8:07 PM]: no no
CharmGrls [8:07 PM]: lol
"Danny" [8:07 PM]: uh huh
"Danny" [8:08 PM]: SURE!!!!!
"Danny" [8:08 PM]: what is it a middle school dance or something?
"Danny" [8:12 PM]: ignoring me again?
CharmGrls [8:13 PM]: yah it's a middle school dance
CharmGrls [8:13 PM]: sorry i was making my dinner
"Danny" [8:14 PM]: beer and....?
"Danny" [8:14 PM]: lol
CharmGrls [8:14 PM]: salad no beer
"Danny" [8:15 PM]: what chu trying to do? get rid of the beer belly by eating salad?
"Danny" [8:15 PM]: lmao
CharmGrls [8:15 PM]: lol
"Danny" [8:16 PM]: u done with all ur school yet?
CharmGrls [8:16 PM]: for spring semester
"Danny" [8:16 PM]: not me i got two test on thurs. and i'm not ready
CharmGrls [8:17 PM]: aw i'm sorry
"Danny" [8:17 PM]: its okay i'll study tomorrow procrastination is my specialty
CharmGrls [8:17 PM]: lol
"Danny" [8:17 PM]: well i gotta go eat too so i'll get back to u later k
CharmGrls [8:18 PM]: k
"Danny" [8:18 PM]: bye
CharmGrls [8:18 PM]: bye
"Danny" is away at 8:18 PM