Jan 13, 2005 12:11
My patience has run thin with you and I have reached the end of my line. I tried to be civil and leave things as they are. I figured, “why bother myself, its only 2 ½ weeks more I can ignore it”, but there is only so much I am willing to take. You have blatantly disrespected me, stepped on my toes, and gotten on my last nerve for the last time. Tonight will be the night the blindfold falls. The not-so-subtle hints we have dropping will become blatantly clear in your face. I am waiting for you to approach that line just one more time. You’re a liar. Una descarada, falta de respecto. Despite what you may think, we don’t believe your lies. You think you fucked up with her when you decided to get drunk and show your true slut side….. what you don’t realize is that she was desperate to get rid of you. She was tired of the constant drama that involved going out with you. How possessive and obsessive you are. How you hovered over her and stomped away every time she was talking to someone. You guys weren’t even going out, you were just talking. You told everyone you were her girlfriend yet she was being a bitch hoping you would get a hint and disappear. She hated it. That night was the first time I set someone up. Yeah you! You think I wouldn’t tell her what you were trying. She knew all along. And to top it off Carol saw you. Do you honestly think I owe you something more than I owe her. I just kept you away from her and at the same time gave her a reason, that you would understand, to kick you to the curb. She pities you. Yeah that’s the only reason she still talks to you. As for me, well you stepped on my toes honey and they are ready to go up your ass. Don’t try to come and kiss my ass now. You are a fucking hypocrite! You come and apologize to me and then turn around only to do the exact thing that set me off to begin with. As for him, honey you don’t stand a chance. Don’t you see the expression on his face. That look of annoyance and disgust. I know you have because you asked him in reference to it. When he asks me to keep you off of him, trust me, he wants you to fucking disappear. To top it all off, you never apologized to him. Its funny how you claim to be a lesbian yet you wont get off my ex-boyfriends dick! You know who I feel bad for…. Carol. That poor girl spends far too much time apologizing for you and making excuses for you.
I rather keep things on a clean slate when I leave and well tonight will be the night you hear it from me and no one else.
Good Fucking Riddens to the Crazy Psycho Bitch