Return of the Princess!

Jun 27, 2009 00:51

So after 3 weeks of computer meltdown and a week of reloading my stuff & getting it in the right spots and Mom being online more than usual because she's on summer vacation- I'm finally making my return to LJ-land. Just in time to say...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Christian Kane!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Christian Kane!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Christian Kane!!!!!

My friend Mike's birthday is Saturday to. Gonna call him in the morning to sing Happy birthday to him. He should have an LJ too so I can give him an LJ birthday...

Hey that means my birthday is in 5 days! YAY!

Lesse Monday Mommy is taking me and Acathla to 'Taste of Chicago'!! YUM!

Midnight Tuesday night...Early Wednesday morning.... whatever... Mommy says we're going to go see "Public Enemies"!!! WHoo Hooo YAY! Oh yeah I have "Public Enemies" links to share. *runs off to get them*,0,4065856.story,0,6075619.photogallery

I can't wait to see if we recognize locations from the movies because we live near them or if we'll know it them based on where we are in the story. Very exciting.

My birthday is Thursday. Fourth of July Twilight parade is on Friday, with Fireworks and all on Saturday the 4th. Wrapping the week up with Craft Nite/family birthday dinner on Sunday.

So I'm not sure how much I'll be online this week. Send me links for anything you think I should know about.

And just because it's his birthday and all here's a small picspam of our boy.

I shall return sometime this week I'm sure. Even if it's just to post about 'Taste of Chicago' or "Public Enemies". In the meantime, I'm trying to type up a few things so there may be a fic posted sometime soon-ish.

Everyone did hear about Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson already right?

Also I'm on a new icon search for seasons 4/5 of "Stargate Atlantis", anything for "Torchwood", and icons from season 2 "Leverage" promos or ones from Chris at Dante's. If you know where I can find any lemme know.

Enjoy the pics and links. Love ya all. Missed you while I was gone.

icon search, public enemies, links, pics, taste of chicago, birthday squee, real life, movies

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