And it's a wrap on Season Finales!

May 21, 2009 21:48

Well let's see here...

I haven't been on LJ in weeks. RL got a little bit busy and season finales were filling up the DVR. I've decided that I'm not going to go clear back to where I stopped on my flist. I just don't have that kind of time.

Instead I'm going to go back TWO weeks on my flist. So if any of you have anything (vids, fic, icons, polls, pics, whatever) that you think I'd be interested in please feel free to shoot me a link. I do so love links from my friends.

Let's see what else...

OMG I finally saw "TORCHWOOD" ya'll!!!!! I caught a few random episodes but not in much of a correct order on BBC America. I tracked the first 2 seasons to one of the libraries not near me and drove out to get them. I watched the 2 seasons in ONE week! Season 2 only took me 3 days! Now I miss it!! Please flist help me survive til the new ones come out this summer. Link me with any "Torchwood" fics, vids, icons, whatever you got to share with me!

Anyone else just sit and watch the "Supernatural" rerun of "Lazarus Rising" tonight? I had to! Scratchy voice.... *hugs Dean*

I've got a few things to say about some of the season finales but I'll post that later, maybe this weekend...

abe16kidbosco I haven't checked your journal yet but what did you think of that "NCIS" finale? I've got lots I'm gonna post about that later with the rest of my season finale spazzing.

brynviridian where are you? I called you last night and left you a babble-fest on your voicemail and I left you another small one before the SPN rerun tonight... Gimme a call if you get a chance.

forareason83 what didja think of the "Bones" finale this year Ally?? I thought it was crackalicious but I don't like the very end of course.

killerweasel I'm sooooo glad you put Misha's funny twitter thing up about the pony and everything. It was hilarious! I don't have twitter but I think it would be worth it just for that alone!! Also I snagged "edih" *wink* and I'm gonna go after the Green Day stuff I saw tomorrow. Acathla is thrilled at the chance to hear it too, so I guess I'll make a copy to CD for her. So thanks from her too. I've always said you have the best things in your posts!

kimalis where've you been I've been watching for you on MSN the last few night to chat with you about "Torchwood" but no kimalis.... I was wondering if you remembered which "Torchwood" vids you linked me too eons ago.... I wanna watch them again!

Lori-bell did you change your username again?

strangevisitor7 I've got a new list of shows/ fandoms to post. New stuff had to be added. You might find that I've found I like more shows that I think you may have watched before... I donno I'm sure we'll chat when I post the new list.

And in closing....

ANYONE else around here watch "Burn Notice"??? Gods I can't wait til it returns on June 4th!!!

Despite my absentee-ism lately I still luv you all! Lemme know if any of you got any new fic out there I should be reading too.

*Smishes you all*


tv babble, fandom babble, torchwood babble

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