OMG so yeah wow interesting evening over here.

Sep 18, 2008 03:10

And to thing if I wasn't sick and online cause I can't sleep for shit, I'd be getting this info tomorrow in the mists of the "Supernatural" premiere freakout-spaz attack.

So first things first. I'm still coughing. The congestion invaded my head so now I'm sneezing too. I hate being sick. I feel so gorram miserable when I'm sick.

So onto the happier news.

I talked to meluivan_indil over in the comments of a fic of her's and we ended up chatting about alot of things. When she took a look at my few crappy icons she loved my Kenny Chesney ones and the ones I got from abe16kidbosco for my birthday. I added her to my flist because the kind person that she is offer to help me if I ever had graphic-type questions. I really can never have to many of you type of folks on my flist, especially now with me branching out some in the realm of graphics.

Speaking of the fantastic and wonderfully kind writing_light offer to help me out with my layout situation. *smishes her* Oh while I'm thinking about the layout side of things I kinda sorta created a header from the pic I screencapped last night, but I don't know what size it should be. Anyone know?

Chatted with glass_fawn for a long time and she had me laughing several times.
;) Go White Sox!!! ;) *just teasing Lori but I will probably bitch about your team some tomorrow.* I really won't be able to help it. I mean come on they're coming between me and my precious "Supernatural" premiere. I've been dying to see this since the finale last spring, I haven't even been able to watch that finale since knowing that I'll spaz even more know about it. I plan on watching that episode tomorrow afternoon though.

As for the catching up on my flist I started at like 400 back and only got to 350 back tonight. But I got sidetrack with a fantastically HOT fic and talking to a bunch of people.

That meme I tagged folks with yesterday actually seems to be popping up on some journals today. abe16kidbosco and kimalis both filled it out. kimalis you cracked me up a few times. *smishes you both*

A random email popped up earlier tonight and it seems as though spikess is getting a few things archived at and since I co-wrote one of those the archivist emailed me asking for permission to archive it. If Bryn's cool with it then hey it's cool with me. I guess there's gonna be a link with my name and to my LJ on there somewhere but I don't think the linkage is up yet. I'll let you know when it shows up. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I'll be archived on the same site and most of my favorite Spander/buffy-fandom writers!!! I mean shit I don't think I belong on the same site as some of them. There stuff is soooooo much better! *is still in shock*

So despite acathla02dru not caring much about "Supernatural," she's realized I'm gonna be a basketcase tomorrow and she's promised to let me watch the hilarious gag reel from her "Stardust" DVD. And we decided to make cheeseburgers and fries tomorrow for dinner. We had tacos Tuesday night so if I get hungry at freaking 11:30pm I can make leftover tacos. I sooo totally get to have Dean food on premiere night!! I got like one last beer left before I'm out and I have a couple bags of peanut M&M's left too. So it looks like I'm all set. Especially since I'm getting ready to watch the first 5 minutes of the premiere now. spikess link it to me the other day while it was flooding. Only reason i didn't watch it then is because I know I'd spaz even more than I already was, but I think we're close enough to it now. 19 and a half hours left for me..... *trys to be patient*

Get this widget!

So now that I watched those first 5 minutes of the "Supernatural" premiere I'm at a loss for words! Kripke is definitely trying to kill me like Joss Whedon's done sooooo many times before. Yup Eric is trying to make fangirls spontaneously combust!!!! I absolutely will not tell you anything more about what I'm think, cause if I don't stop now and wrap up this post soon--- I'll spoil you all!!! But Gooooood!

Okay that's enough babbling for one post. I'm sure I'll pop on a few times tomorrow. Definitely immediately after I watch the premiere! Probably at about ohhh 12:32am tomorrow night depending on if the game doesn't run long or anything!!!

Okay nite all I think I'm going to go start my "Supernatural" premiere day marathon like I did last year!

*smishes you all tonight for helping make me feel better despite the coughing*

Catch ya'll tomorrow!

lj communities/friends, supernatural babble, real life, links

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