One idea caused 6 count 'em 6 parts all the same story though once this bunny bite it just started running all over. In honor of the lovely
Spikess here are my humble offerings.
***Timeline: Between Revelations and Lover's Walk in season 3 BtVS. It seemed to me that more must have happened then what we saw in Revelations everyone I angry at Angel and all of a sudden in Lover's Walk granted not much is said but it seems to me the all is cool between Angel and the gang.
***Author's Note: BTW I don't own any of these characters, forgot to mention that before, All hail the all mighty Joss. I actually did go to a Battle of the Bands type event at this lake I have them at in my head and it was called SOUNDWAVES '98. Only two of the bands mentioned were NOT there that April, The W.T. Feaster Band (which is my friend's band out of Indianpolis) and of course Oz's band (I'm sorry 'The Dingos Ate My Baby' did not play there).
The Invitation
Water rippled at the edge of the lake when his arms snaked around her waist, slightly jumping at his touch she grinned happily squealing “Angel!” as she turned and hugged him.
“What’s going on Buffy ?” he said, he could tell she’d been deep in thought and hadn’t noticed him til he touched her. At the same time Angel could see a crowd of people on the far side of the small lake and hearing loud rock music emanating from the same area, a quizzical look flashed onto his face.
That’s when she handed him the invitation he now perused.
Battle of the Bands
They began walking to the far side of the lake. The invitation was more of a flyer listing several bands, and said Soundwaves ‘98 at the top. “Houdini....The W.T. Feaster Band.....Deli 26....Fuzz Factor?” he said with question in his voice.
“And Oz’s band. Oz gave this to Willow. She thought since she had no one to sit with the rest of us should come to. I wasn’t sure if you’d like this kind of music or even want to go so I borrowed the flyer to show you after getting here.”
“You realize no one else wants me here right?”
The Background
Ever since they all found out he was back from hell during the whole fiasco with Gwendolyn Post, none of them but Buffy and Willow would talk to him.
Xander and Faith were both still angry she hadn’t told them he was back from hell when it first happened or killed him again. Giles was nice enough when the girls where around but Angel could tell the watcher was still upset over the previous spring when Angelus had kidnapped him and tortured him.
Angel couldn’t fault him for it, he had done it all with a song in his heart.
Old Invitations
Buffy was saying something about a drummer in a white bandana and Faith. Sighing he knew it was going be a long night. Apparently Buffy came here earlier with the rest of the gang, and now that Angel was right up close and personal with the loud rock music he decided that this was gonna end up like Woodstock.
Spike had tracked him down and told him he’d kill everyone at the festival unless Angel came with, even then Spike killed to many people and if the very loud granting noise continued much longer someone would have figured them out.
Uninvite Please?
Approaching the others, sitting on the rickety bleachers, Angel tried finding a way out of this. His dark eyes darting around, he heard a bright voice next to him say “Angel! Hi you made it!”
“Hi Willow.” he mumbled, “Buffy....” he said almost pleadingly.
“Okay Angel, sheesh.... Hey Wills, Angel thinks nobody wants him here and won’t believe me when I say... It... will... be... Fine.”
“Hmmm,” then her resolve face set in, “Well if anyone wants to have a problem with it they’ll have deal with me! ......After all, you saved me more times than you tried killing me.”
Invitation Back to Normal
When Willow bounded off the bleachers and behind them, Faith turned to watch. After all Buffy told her to keep any eye on things til she got back.
Realizing at the same moment that Buffy was back and who she’d brought with her, a dark look came across her features. “Hey Killer,” Faith said as she swung around and hopped down causing everyone else to notice the new arrival.
The same dark look crossed Xander’s face as he muttered “Deadboy.”
Oz noticed the tension and where lines had been drawn, “Hey man.”
“See Angel.” Willow stated firmly “They’ll be nice”
*****Lemme know what you all think this is my first major contribution to the drabbling and also my first attempt at Angel/Buffy
~~~~~~prncssflutterby AKA SilverWick
Or as
spikess calls me: Princess SilverWick ^_~