Mar 27, 2008 22:51
Sorry I been MIA for the last few of days my lovely Flist but I've been distracted by the fact that Johnny Depp's new movie "Public Enemies" has been filming scenes about 5-10 miles away from our house, so we've been out there ALOT. They wrapped their shooting here late last night.
But *drumroll please* I meet Johnny Depp Tuesday night. I shook his hand!
I'll post some pictures soon- either tomorrow or this weekend, but in the meantime if you checkout my icon today you'll find my new icon base I made by cropping a pic Mom took of Johnny on Monday night.
I heard that Christian Bale was here too- at least yesterday but we never saw hide nor hair of him just heard rumors.
So in other news I fell in the parking lot late last night and torn my jeans then bleed through them- I now have a carefully bandaged, very painful, scraped and gouged knee- Too add to my collection of injuries this last week or so. In the meantime however my scissors stab wound on my hand in much better.
So here's a question for the Comic Book readers on my Flist:
What comics have come out in the month or so? Or I guess more precisely what issues of BtVS, AtS, Astonishing Xmen, SPN, or anything else interesting are out? I did pick up the new Serenity. But since I'm going out to my comicbook store this weekend to get the new issue of SPN magazine that's out, I thought I'd see what else is should get.
Okay time for sleep now. See ya on the flip side.
comic books,
real life,
johnny depp