I don't know if anyone is still here and following me but...

Apr 03, 2019 17:43

I am creating a Dreamwidth. Once I can import the important things from my LJ I will likely go back to forgetting I have it.

Please please comment here if you would like to reconnect or follow me there and I can friend everyone again.

For what it's worth not a whole lot has changed for me. Most of my old Fandoms are still a part of my life and a handful of new Fandoms have probably been added since my last post. I am thinking of creating a major multiFandom fic rec post once I have DW set up. I lost many many many of my bookmarks when I got my new phone and was thinking that if I make a multiFandom fic rec post then at least I won't lose those again.

And I miss drabble communities being around to kick my ass into writing more than I usually do. I miss Fandom chats with more than a couple hundred characters available. In short I miss having Fandom like I did when I was on here everyday and while I have Twitter and Tumblr they aren't great for some things.

If you don't have Dreamwidth and would like to reconnect I do have Twitter, Tumblr, and Discord that I'm on all the time. I do still have my Ao3 which I need to upload my LJ fic to sometime soon.

I hope this finds you all well. I hope families are good and jobs aren't problematic and pets are still full of cuddles.

Miss you all~ Prncssflutterby, Princess, Wick.... etc etc etc (I go by too many names)

lj communities/friends, library, questions, fandom babble, real life

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