MOMMY finally ordered Christian KANE's new CD for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! She got me the $40 pack! I get CD and digital copy and the necklace and the keychain. I'm soooo fucking excited I could scream!!!!
Soooo speaking of a digital copy. I've never bought one. Is it being emailed at midnight or is it a extra CDrom or what? Any ideas my lovely fellow KANIACS?
I'm sorry I haven't been on LJ in forever. If you didn't hear I decided to participate in
mini_nanowrimo this year. I survived it! YAY! I haven't snagged any of the banners yet but I'll try to post them when I do if you guys want me too. As for the words I wrote. Which BTW ended up being lots... I didn't finish any of the fics I started with this. I plan to work on them once I finish straightening up RL and once done and possibly beta'd I will post them for you if you guys want them too.
If you posted anything important or awesome since Halloween, assume I missed it. I was pretty much only on LJ to post my wordcounts before passing out each night. And since MiniNano ended my RL had been epically busy and between the busy & catching up on Chuck and Castle, I haven't been on LJ this week either. So link me if there's anything I should see or know.
I missed you all *smishes*!!!!!
I'm gonna get Chris' CD! I'm gonna get Chris' CD! I'm gonna get Chris' CD! I'm gonna get Chris' CD! I'm gonna get Chris' CD!
*Spazzes and dies*