Supernatural 5x02 Good God, Ya'll- spazzing and review.

Sep 17, 2009 23:28

Okay sure I did great with thought for last week even is it tool all week to get them posted. But I had those thought's last week you can ask spikess. This week I got pretty much nothing.

So I LOVED the bit with Cas at the hospital.... AND YAYAYAY for the whole amulet bit!!! (Made me wish I hadn't lost the amulet right of the cord mine was on... I still have the cord around my neck because it's the Dean amulet cord but the amulet it disappeared like a year ago and it sucks because I bought that and put it on like right before and I mean right before the Jared/Jensen Q&A at Creation Chicago in '07... I miss my amulet) At any rate YAY for Castiel's whole speech and the whole amulet bit.

Didn't really like the way the boys were tonight.

Dean had accusation in that look on his face at the market.
Dean didn't go after Sammy when he knew he was in trouble.
But the kicker is that Sam cops to realize what he problem is but then wants to leave Dean!!! AND DEAN LETS HIM!!! WTF!

Don't they know that NOTHING good comes from them being away from each other!?!?!?

OH and I like the whole hallucination and not really any demons and it the Horseman -War_ but really all they gotta do is get the ring.... That doesn't seems to jive if the Horseman are suppose to be all big and bad and worse than anything they've faced before.... I donno.

So no Lucifer!meatsuit this week. But we get Rufus and Ellen and Jo and random military guy (BTW the whole 'where did you serve' bit was awesome)... Not much Cas though. No Lucifer!Vessel-Nick either....

OH and Bobby with the last words at the hospital!!! Mega AWESOME!

But yeah all in all I see why the show is going this way. Why Kripke is taking us in this direction, but I'm just not sure I like this episode much... Though CAS was awesome!!!

In other TV news. I watched the last 4 episodes of season 2 of "Blood Ties" off my DVR today. I Loved that show, but I forgot that I really didn't like the way that show ended...

Watched last week's "Supernatural" again and loved it took copious notes to help me remember things later while I speculate over the course of the season.

I got a little behind time-wise today so I wasn't watching anything when it was actually on. Thank god for the DVR.

Watched tonight's new "Bones" #501 'Harbingers in a Fountain'. I really really liked it but then I've always had a weakness for David playing a character but not acting like the character usually acts, you know? David = funny... OOH and the socks!

Then I watched tonight's SPN. Which obviously I talked about above.

Now I'm gonna take a painkiller for the tooth that's killing me and watch "Vampire Diaries" I'm gonna record the first one to what I'm calling my pilot tape... For all the pilot episodes of stuff I'm not sure about. So in regards to TVD I think I like it fine it's just not worth tons of tape space. If I feel the need to watch it after this week's (which is on the DVR for me and Acathla to watch) then I'll just download it after this...

I'll haveta post tomorrow about the random multi-fandom plotbunnies running around my house..

Later everybody!

tv babble, supernatural babble, fan review, bones babble

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