Okay so I've been a busy little princess. I used my other journal to add a few communities and I've been saving some links for a huge link post.
Is everyone ready we'll start with my newly renewed interest in "Stargate Atlantis".
One of those comms I just joined is
sga_rewind I'm very excited to rewatch the series with others even if it's only online. Discussion for "Rising (1)" starts Saturday morning.
While talking to
michelel72 at that comm I found out about a few other SGA sites I either didn't know about or I'd only looked at once.
First being
Gateworld. I'm sure all you "Stargate" people already know about it but I was uninformed. So I'm sharing the info.
Second mentioned was this one
at crack_van. Next mentioned was an obvious one but still I'll share.
SGA newbieguide yes LJ but fairly informative in the way of links for someone who has played in the fandom for long.
I in turn rec'd my favorite SGA thing every outside of fic.
SGA for the spn fangirl things. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
So I think it was yesterday I followed a link from LJ to this
E!online "Leverage" article/vid thing. From there I saw the line of vids on the right-hand side. So here are a few that I found interesting. OH and standard spoiler warnings apply to these videos.
There tons more there in the column of vids at the side of the page these are just the first 3 to catch my fandom eye!
Lesse what else for the mega post tonight?
So back on New Year's Eve last thing I posted for 2008 was this monster post that basically saw my addiction spiral into fandom. I figure since new people have shown up here since then I'll post a link back to it.
'Aye the lovely tale of how I went from a Math question to "Supernatural" and "Leverage" and "TIH" and "Dollhouse" and everything that's on my TV lineup this fall.
Epic Tale of Fandom ~*~*~*~
Something else of note since I just explained about Google Docs to
pairatime... How many of you use Google Documents?
Also something you should see starting to happen sometime soon is a re-vamp of this journal. I want to redo the profile page so it says everything I want it too but isn't so cluttered looking. I also want to finish going back through my old post and making sure all the tags are there that should be so it's easier to go back and find specific entries. We may even bring banners and things into the equation for the profile page.
So if you have any suggestions on ways to do any of this lemme hear what you think.
epic re-vamp of prncssflutterby
I agree with
havenward over at
provideleverage BEST. NEWS. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Corresponding article at iF Magazine's website!!!!!!!!!! With that now there I think I'll wait til tomorrow for the Chris and Steve links and the fic links and the icon discussion. Along with the Fall TV preview stuff.
Absolutely BEST. NEWS. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
G'nite all I must help make sure this info hit everywhere!