....the letter "P", the PLANET Pluto, and the number "7"!!
No Acathla and I have not been watching "Sesame Street".
Today is just being weird like that. Lots of "P's" and "7's". Except Laundromat.
Dryer here at home is acting weird so I had to take a load of jeans to the laundromat and dry them. After 2- 10 minute cycles at 25 cents each, I decided that they could be line dried in the back yard for the rest. Brought them home and took them in the backyard and Acathla helped me get them on the clothesline. Meanwhile nature tried to attack me while we did this.
Large icky bug on the clothesline before we started.
Mosquito tried to fly up my nose. Then I think it bit my cheek. It itches.
Large flying bug of some sort landed on the one of the jeans til I knocked it away.
I don't like nature!
And now I'm gonna go put my PJs on and eat my pancakes Acathla just made me and watch the two "Supernatural" reruns that are one tonight. They are skipping "Sex and Violence" with it's Disney strippers. But tonight we are getting "Death Takes a Holiday" and "On the Head of a Pin". I'm not sure why they're skipping "Sex and Violence". I LOVED that episode!! But that's what it seems like they are doing. Damn networks.
*scratches itchy spots*
abe16kidbosco I left you a text last night and a voicemail this afternoon. In case you somehow missed them.
spikess I saw another "Supernatural" spoiler today. Technically I guess you could say I saw one last week. Another one before I left for the laundromat and then I saw some season 5 episode titles too....
Everyone who has left me comments and haven't gotten replies yet, I'm sorry. RL got a little hectic and I've been trying to get things off the DVR before the Fall Seasons start in a month. I hope to either get back online later tonight to reply to the comments piling up in my email or else some time tomorrow.
Later all~