Meme sheepage...

Aug 03, 2009 00:52

I snagged this from lasvegas_lights who was tagged by realscape

First: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

Second: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

Lots of pillows or just one?
Got three right now on the bed..

What kind of books do you read?
I think mostly books that are more fantasy or fandomy in some way.

What are your most awesome skills?
Phfff I donno. Listening?

What's your dream job?
Something I’m happy doing and can be creative at times too.

What's really creepy?
Spiders, Mice, Bees, and clowns… Oh and the whole ‘we are coming’ thing with the kids on Torchwood’s CoE.

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Christian Kane, Leverage, Castle, Warehouse 13. Several others but these top the list.

What are you listening to?
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria? On BBC America. The final episode…

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, msn, yahoo, provideleverage, CK’s twitter, Steve’s twitter... That might be everything.

What was the last thing you bought?
Probably some junk food or something. But the last non-food item I bought was Leverage season 1!

Pie, cake or cookies?
I think pie… I’m a very big fan of Supernatural’s Dean and the pie obsession! So pie.

Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
Pizza, Mac n cheese, pasta, tacos!! That enough?

What do you do to change your mood?
I try and immerse myself in something else. Be it a book or fanfic, TV or a movie…. Whatever is easiest at that moment. If I’m somewhere I can have one of those, I tell myself a story in my head.

What is your zodiac sign?

Do you want to learn another language?
I know a bit of Spanish, even less American Sign Language. If I had to get by on one of those I could probably stumble through. I would like to learn Italian or Greek or something fun like that…

Five things you can't live without.
Christian Kane, Fandom (be it TV/Movie/Book or internet), friends, my cell phone, family

What is one song you could listen to repeatedly without ever getting tired of it?
Almost anything Chris Kane or Steve Carlson have done, I can listen to them on repeat all night.

What are you looking forward to?
I’m unemployed still and my birthday is over so I donno… Shipshewana is sorta ruin with the angst over the break-ins at the apartment building we own and the vandalism of Daddy’s truck here at home last night so maybe the September trip to my cousin’s wedding will be the fun one.

Say something to the person who tagged you:
Really really really pretty Chris banners!

If you wanna do it fine is you don't that's fine too. I'd like to see the people new to my flist do this but I won't make anyone. So anyone that wants to do this and hasn't yet, go forth and have fun with it!!!!

Maybe later or in the morning I post about everything else that's going on. Hopefully before we leave on Tuesday.


meme-sheepage, fandom babble, real life

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