Jul 14, 2009 19:17
I have it!!!! I got my Eliot Spencer!!!
Acathla and I just got back from Walmart and got me the "Leverage" Season!!! *is very excited*
And season 2 starts TOMORROW!!!! WhhoOOOO HooooOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwwwww poor Steve had a snakebite or something at the last Steve and Chris show at Dante's.... Poor baby! He was all hopped up on Vicodin or something supposedly. *hugs Steve* I guess some stupid fangirls attacked Chris afterwards this time. *hugs Chris* I hear it was an awesome show though, other than those things. Or so I hear from the internets on all that.... I need to get to the otherside of the country and see one of these shows.... I gotta gotta gotta! *glares at empty wallet*
I gots "Leverage". I gots Eliot!
I gots "Leverage". I gots Eliot!
I gots "Leverage". I gots Eliot!
*runs of to finish the "Ghost Whisperer" season so I can watch my new shiny "Leverage" one*
Oh yeah and I need to remember that "Warehouse 13" is on a 30 minutes!!
tv babble,
fangirl squee,
steve carlson,
christian kane