
May 31, 2006 01:02

Tomorrow is my last full day/night of Oncall... Thursday i'm on till noon but that doesn't bother me because I can have my coworkers help me with anything I need during business hours. It's just the after-hours stuff i have to worry about.

Thus far *knock on wood* i have been very fortunate this go around. I didn't have any calls last thursday, friday, saturday or sunday. Yesterday i got one call and the ticket wasn't even my group's. I had another one last night and my coworker helped me resolve it in an hour. Today i had one around 8pm and it was also resolved in an hour.

I'm so glad it's been a "light" onCall. Someone up there is looking out for me! Thank you :)

Adde comes in in the morning... i can't wait to see her! It's all getting so real now! jody's parents and aunt and uncle are already here. Wow...3 more days! :-D

Now folks... i sleep! (or at least try to :) )

wedding, on-call, adde, etc.

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