Oct 28, 2004 17:12
A is for age: 16
B is for boyfriend: Wish I had one...
C is for career: Musician (fingers crossed)
D is for dad's name: Howard
E is for essential item to bring to a party: my ass, cuz it's so fiiine ;)
F is for favorite song at the moment: It's something by Brand New but I forget what it's called.
G is for girlfriend: er...
H is for hometown: Melrose Park
I is for instruments you play: Violin, Guitar, piano, mandolin
J is for jam or jelly you like: Grape
K is for kids: None, probably. Who would want me to have their children besides a frozen pop? Ew... nasty.
L is for living arrangements: with my mom
M is for mom's name: Ellen (Big mama E)
N is for name of your best friends: Hmm... don't want to hurt anyone's feelings...
O is for overnight hospital stays: none
P is for phobia[s]: Big bugs, my family/friends/people i like dying, rejection, not having money (FUCK)
Q is for quote you like: "The truth is that you could slit my throat, and with my one last gasping breath I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt."- TBS
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: a little over a year
S is for sexual position: dunno? virgin, hello?
T is for time you wake up: 6-6:30
U is for unique trait: I'm a fuh-reak
V is for vegetable you love: broccoli
W is for worst habit: picking my hair
X is for x-rays you've had: ankle, wrist, ribs, head, etc.
Y is for yummy food you make: cookies! holy shit
Z is for zodiac sign: virgo