Mar 22, 2005 22:09
Whenever I get on the computer at the library to check my email I have a routine I go through. Kinda strange, but maybe everyone does this. My order...Yahoo, Hotmail, Facebook, Livejournal, my bank account, and LSU. LSU mail generally takes the longest to go through so I save it for last. So the point of my telling you this...whenever I get to LJ time, I always think "I should update today" but instead I just read everyone elses updates, reply if I feel the need, and then move on to my bank account. I guess I just think that I have so much to post so I just put it off. Well of course it only builds up to be more and more so I end up not posting at all. Maybe I'll try to be better about it and if it's small least it's an update!
so here we go...after all that rambling...
Things have been going really well over here in North Carolina. Michael and I are at a great point in our marriage...we are having so much fun and becoming closer and closer to each other. We don't have the silly stresses on us that we (mostly I) put on us at the beginning. I don't know why but when we were dating I never picked fights and once we were married I seemed to pick at least one a big fights, just little things I would start. I guess that comes with moving in with someone and learning what it's like to be married to them and have to deal with all the little things you didn't know about them before you lived with them. For example...he leaves his clothes from the day before on the side of the bed until he comes home after work the next day and puts them in the dirty clothes basket that is oh maybe 10 steps from where he leaves them. this drove me crazy starting the first day we were back from our honeymoon. so i would ask him to put them in the dirty clothes and he would say "i've put them next to my bed for the last 37 years and i'll most likely continue to put them there." well this drove me crazy on top of that so i'd start another fight saying "you won't compromise at all to make me happy. it's such a small thing." then he'd say "the clothes aren't hurting you, if you want them in the dirty clothes then put them there when you get up in the morning." so i started doing that and GUESS WHAT!!! he puts them in the dirty clothes basket in the MORNING BEFORE WORK NOW!!! i guess by me doing it and NOT COMPLAINING he changed and it hasn't killed him! but the moral of the story, rather than picking pointless fights, I just deal with stuff and it all works out and turns out not to be a big deal at all! I don't understand some of the things he does, but that's just him! So yeah, we're having so much fun being married to each other! Don't get me wrong, we've been happy all along, but little things were adding unneccessary stress to us!
Work is going really well for both of us also. I am still loving my job. I'm working right now as a matter of fact. I'm with my autistic client right now. After leaving the library, we're heading to the video store and then to eat lunch. Probably hit Long John Silver's for lunch...oh their baked cod, rice, and corn is so good!
Speaking of good all connects for me....I have lost a total of 39 pounds now! I was thinking the other day...yall must think I'm a string bean now...but I had gained a bit of weight after leaving LSU and before I started Weight Watchers. So losing 39 pounds brings me down to 136.6 pounds. I'm so excited to be skinny again! I always wanted to get skinny while at LSU, but never seemed to get my butt in gear to do it! I need to start exercising now to get toned.
I'm so ready for summer to arrive. The highs this week are supposed to be around 60 so hopefully our temps are on the rise. It's supposed to pour later today so it won't be a pretty 60 degrees.
I have something really funny to go to tonight. At least I think it's funny, I don't really know what it is. My company has started a "support group" and one of my friends was asked to head it up. So she called me to tell me that the first meeting is tonight at 6 pm at the office. Do we really need a support group? I know I don't, but then when I thought about it I thought "I gotta go see why they're having these meetings now." "Hello my name is Tricia and I'm a CBS Worker." Is that what it's going to be like?!?!? I guess I shouldn't make fun of it before I go, but I can't imagine my job stressing people out enough to need a support group. Maybe they don't leave work at the office....I have no idea! So yeah, I've been saying all weekend that i have therapy tonight at 6! Maybe it will turn in to a social hour type of thing...I almost asked if I should bring a snack, but then I thought "maybe this is a serious thing!!"
After "therapy", I have a volleyball game at 715. I'm not sure who we're playing tonight. I always like Tuesday nights because I get to go to volleyball at the YMCA.
I am really getting in to my scrapbooking these days. I don't know if anyone has ever heard of Creative Memories...look it up online i assume! It's really awesome. I have all of the supplies, paper, stickers, die cut outs, cutters, etc etc. I have almost all of our honeymoon in my album now. I have our last 2 days in hawaii to put in. That means I have our engagement, bridal showers, wedding, and honeymoon finished. After that, I will start on our luau and then go back in time and put our year of dating in an album. After that, I'll be caught up with our life together and be able to slowly make pages to put in an album as we do things that I want to document in an album. As I do that, I'll go back through my high school albums (I have 5 HUGE picture albums filled with my 5 years at All Saints'). I'm going to get them in a scrapbook and then do an LSU album, and then maybe a few pages of my childhood...i don't have all that many pictures...I guess my parents have all of them!
I've also set a goal for myself this year. I'm going to read 12 books this year. I am on book #5 and only have about 50 pages left in it. #1 was Honestly by Sheila Walsh, #2 Joel by Joel Sonnenberg, #3 The Pigman & Me, #4 Off the Air by Mike Trout. All 5 of them are non-fiction. Honestly, Joel, and Off the Air are all great Christian books for people to read. I met Sheila Walsh at the Women of Faith conference in Charlotte last October...she's a great speaker and author. Read something by her. Joel is an amazing story also. I'd recommend anyone to read that book. And Mike Trout's book is really good also. It's about surrendering, but you don't really know the theme of the book until the end. It has 10 different stories in it of real people who surrender their lives to God. It's a great one, unfortunately Trout has had some trouble in his life, but that doesn't make the book a bad one. He used to be the cohost of Focus on the Family with Dr. Dobson. The Pigman & Me is a great story (written on a level children could read probably) about a boy living in New York and the struggles he went through. It's not Christian based, but it's a good one to reads fast. #5 is Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. It's about the 1996 Everest disaster. It's a good one also. I don't know what #6 will be yet. I generally just find them when it's time for a new one. I want to do 12 books this year...1 a month..I'm ahead of schedule now which is a good thing...I'd do more than 12 if time permits! and next year I want to do 24....2 a month rather than just one...but one goal at a time! I enjoy reading, but never used to make time for it. I have a goal now!
This weekend should be a lot of fun. The kids don't have school on Friday so I'm picking up Brandon from 10-245 and then work will be finished for the week! I'm getting my hair cut and highlighted at 3. I have been a brunette for a year now and Michael made the comment the other day "Now that you're skinny, I think your hair would look good highlighted again." AAAAAHHH I just spent a year getting it all grown out and not just dyed back brown and he says THAT! at least my hair has been chemical free for a year! I'm excited though b/c i like it highlighted. but i wanted it to be the way it looked best. so back to a blonde i'll be on friday! afterwards, michael and i are going to our pastor's house for dinner and game night. we get together the first friday of the month for game night. our friends are in town from honduras (they're on a 14 month mission down there) and they are here for a few weeks. well we want them to be at game night this month so we're having it this friday also. it should be a lot of fun. it'll be andy/alexa (pastor...regular game nighters!), mike/tricia (regulars), kelly/eric (missionaries), cherie/andrew (regulars), and tracy/jimmy (pastor's sister and her new boyfriend that we haven't met yet!). it should be a lot of fun...full house! apparently we're having taco soup...i've been told to bring tortilla chips and diet drinks! I can handle that. The host always cooks the main entree and the rest of us bring everything else.
Saturday I have a "crop". It's where about 6 "scrapbookers" get together at our consultants house from 11-5 to scrapbook! Sounds boring, I was nervous my first time going, but it's so much fun. Pretty much it's 6 women getting together to gab and make pages in our albums. I'm fortunate b/c when I called Creative Memories to be set up with a local consultant I was given Angie's name. Angie turns out to be a wonderful Christian woman, about 10 years older than me, and most of her clients are Christians. So we have a great time together once a month at her house!
I think that's about it for now. I'll try to update more often so that they aren't this long!
Easter is Sunday...I went with Alexa this past Saturday to get a new outfit for church! I got lime green cropped pants and guess what...I had to get a size 4 b/c the 6 was TOO BIG!!!!! YAY!!!!!! they are so pretty and cute! I got lime green sandals to match!
Have a great Easter!