May 18, 2004 12:59
Ok its kinda boring being home all day everyday cuz I don't have school but its better than having to wake up every morning really early. I went to the club this weekend with barry, amy, mandi, loribeth, and bianca. It was sooo much fun. Man I really need to teach barry how to dance he dances like such a white boy. Kevin wasn't there so we couldn't get drinks but thats all good anywayz. Lots of guys and dancing till 1:30 haha. Funny thing is that the guy at the door messed up on this 1 guys x so he could drink and mandi was after him and said well u could mess up on mine 2 so he was like what the hell let her drink. I was so jealous but she let me have some of her drinks so it was all good lol. I got dance pictures tomorrow which I hope I can go to cuz I gotta get someone to cover the desk for me. Finally got that costume fixed so I don't look like I have no shape anymore. Alright that's all I have to say for now Lataz!
Jackie ~O~