Sep 11, 2006 19:48
At the gas station next to my apartment.
Guy at Gas Pump #5: Hey. Hey. Hey girl.
Evans at Gas Pump #6: Excuse me?
Guy: Hey.
Evans: Hi.
Guy: How you?
Evans: I'm good, you?
Guy: I'm chill, I'm chill. You married?
Evans: Excuse me?
Guy: You married? You look married.
Evans: (To end the conversation) Yes, I am. I'm married.
Guy: You got kids, too right? You look like it. Them hips and thighs. You got kids. I can tell. How many?
Guy: How many? I know you got em. You look like it. Look at that ass. Them kids gonna grow up nice.
Evans: ........four.
Guy: Yeah, yeah. Them kids gonna grow up hot.
Evans: Nice to meet you. Gotta go pick up the kids from school.
(Evans gets in car, drives off crying.)
So guys, do me a favor. I don't care how big a girls hips, ass, or thighs are; please don't just assume that she's had children. More importantly, even if you do just assume that she does DON'T FUCKING TELL HER!!!
Thank you, and good night.
Evans, The Empress of Apparently Looking Like She's Had Children