Jan 14, 2010 10:30
So as an on and off clove smoker the recent ban on flavored cigarettes has got me thinking about my life as casual smoker. The ban is an attempt to detour kids from smoking, but that is assuming that most people's first cigs are flavored...
Most people I know that smoke start with what is easily available to them at the time, such as what a family member smokes or what the kids at school have. When I was in high school on Hilton Head I used to ride to school with a friend who smoked and on our way to school each day we would stop at this old rundown gas station where the guy would sell cigarettes to you without carding, but would only sell you camel lights and they were $2.00 (back when they were under a dollar a pack). So this is how I started with Camel lights. I continued to smoke them on and off through college and it was not until somewhere mid college that my roommate introduced me to clove cigarettes. She would get Sweet Dreams and buy a different flavor each time. I really liked the vanilla ones so she would get a flavor and I would get the vanillas and we would split each pack. It was kinda fun and a nice change from Camels. From then on I would fill half of my cigarette case with Camels and the other half with flavored cloves.
Throughout the years I have quit smoking for several months and years at a time and after college I quit for a while, but recently I have started back up again and have really wanted to find my old vanilla cloves again. When the ban first hit my bf and I went around to every place we knew that sold any kind of cloves and purchased several packs at a time. As the months went on we could find them less and less as most stores tried to sell out of their stock instead of just taking them off the shelves. Now we have gone through our back stock and are still missing the little boost of flavor and clovey after taste that you just can't get from even a menthol. That made us a bit sad but then we realized that they did not ban flavored loose tobacco...
With that in mind we hit up a smoke shop and got papers, a rolling machine, filters, and some vanilla flavored pipe tobacco. Then went online and watched a tutorial on drying pipe tobacco and adding cloves to the mix. Before we knew it we were back to standing outside of clubs puffing away watching people give us strange looks and wondering where the clove smell was coming from. The difference now is the added satisfaction that we made our own and all the Goth kids smoking their mini clove cigars (the clove company's way of getting around the ban)are wondering were we got cloves from.
This is just me musing I will do a rant about how stupid the bill is at at later time for now I would like to go roll some more smokes and fill up my cigarette case...Also I have a box of Vanilla Sweet Dreams set aside for my birthday!
clove band