DFL Senate District 17 Convention

Mar 20, 2010 22:54

Not much to say. Got to Cambridge HS by 10, lunch at 11, out by one.
We nominated a slate of officers for the District and elected them by white ballot. Unanimously endorsed Rick Olseen to run for another term as State Senator. Unanimously passed a resolution to send Rep Oberstar a letter thanking him for supporting Obama's health care reform bill.

After lunch we broke into 17A and 17B sub meetings ostensibly to endorse State Representative candidates. In 17B we chose a meeting chair, parliamentarian, secretary and 3 tellers. Jeremy Kalin then made a motion that we recess for 3 weeks. The rationale was simple: right now we do not have a candidate to take his place. The one person we were counting on just got elected to the county board and will not run for State Representative. We needed the recess to allow a couple of potential candidates to talk the decision over. It really isn't one that can be taken lightly.

After about 45 minutes, we took the vote and recessed. What else were we to do?

Kalin was very upbeat about our chances in November. Currently, there are 4 people hoping to get the Republican endorsement at their convention on April 17th. They smell blood in the water and are campaigning hard for it. This is pushing them further and further to the right, which should open centrist space to run for whoever we choose.

He could be right on this. He really knows the district well.
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