This is my entry of the
fandomverse project on our favorite character of all time or the moment. I picked David Karofsky. I suppose it is so secret that I've become a bit obsessed with Glee at the moment and that I believe strongly in the redemption of this character. This project sadly didn't get as much time and effort sent on it as I would have liked. I've had a busy work weak, but here is my attempt at showing you guys why I love David Karofsky.
1) Max Adler
I could go into detail how I love Max Adler's acting. Even when the scene isn't focused on him, he continues to act so true to his character. I adore this. He has truly made me feel for Karofsky.
He also follows the trend I have of loving actors, who come on their show in a minor role and who 'steal' the show (other ex: David Anders and Micheal Emerson). Karofsky was supposed to have TWO lines and he was so good they kept him. Now here he is the focus on a major plot line for Glee. Got to love it.
Beyond that, he seems like he is just a sweet lovely guy. In all his interviews, he is all smiles and enthusiasm. He clearly loves being on the show and takes the character of Karofsky very seriously. I also love seeing his friendships with his fellow cast mates, particularly Darren Criss.
Lastly, he is also isn't afraid to use his new fame to bring attention to the causes he cares about, the big ones being
It Gets Better/the Trevor Project and the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Some Interviews with him I like:
Max talking about
Never Been Kissed, the Super Ball ep
The Sue Sylvester Superbowl Shuffle and the upcoming ep
Born This Way 2) He Is The Reason I Started Watching Glee
Okay, so when Glee came on last year I watch four eps and dropped it. While I liked somethings about the show it was not enough to outweigh the bad.
So my giving the show a second chance? Well it really started with Darren Criss joining the cast, but in the end it was the Karofsky character that dragged me in and made me actually WATCH the show. Before that I had only seen a hand full of eps and watched clips of the Darren Criss moments. Somewhere in all that I fell hard for the Karofsky storyline. It made me want to go back and see his full storyline (along with Kurt's). And I have zero regrets going back and watching the full show. I like it and it allowed me to get attached to various other characters. I now care what happens to these fictional people.
3) One of the most Consistent and Well Written Characters On Glee
Glee is a show where the fans complain about the lack of continually. What happens one week just might not matter the next. Well, with the Karofsky storyline that isn't true. The writers decided season one, in his fifth ep (Theatricality) that the reason he was a bully was that he was secretly gay. Interesting ep to pick that as it was his first run in to Kurt and it was an eps are excepting yourself. From there,, there has been a slow build. One that no other character, minus maybe Santana, has been blessed with. They have given this character time to 'fall into darkness' as they are now giving him time to come to terms with himself and what we saw in Never Been Kissed and The Sue Sylvester Bowl Shuffle. So far they have done this character justice.
4) Potential For Redemption
I often say that I'm a 'sucker for a good redemption story'. Many of my all time favorite characters (Severus Snape and Ben Linus being the biggest examples) comes from my belief in their inner good and that at the end of the day, that good will win out over the hurt and anger those characters hold. I believe this for Karofsky.
And Glee is kind to their bullies. It allows them to change. Finn, Puck and Santana were or still are bullies, but they changed and continue to change for the better. I do not believe they will leave Karofsky to suffer in misery he is clearly in.
Of course the following quote, by show front runner Ryan Murphy give further hope:
“This show is by nature optimistic and I think a character like Karofsky could turn to booze or pills or alcohol and kill themselves or do something dark. But I also love Max and I love that character and I sorta want that character to have a happy ending. So I don’t really know what that’s going to be, but I do know we’re going to do a whole episode that’s about that song.” That song being Born This Way (an upcoming song spoiler you have to be under a rock to not know about).
The first glimmer of hope of Karofsky was The Kiss. I don't know about others, but the reason that moment is a favorite of mine isn't so much that a kiss was taking place, but Karosky's reaction to that kiss. If you haven't
rewatched it, do so and focus on Karofsky alone.

As Kurt and him fight you can see the pain on his face over Kurt's words. He keeps telling Kurt to back off, but Kurt doesn't and something has to give. The 'give' is that kiss. It's not a romantic kiss, but a kiss filled with so much emotion for him. It's him at last admitting 'I'm gay'. The whimper, he makes at the end, just adds so much to that expression of what he is feeling. He likes this. He likes kissing a boy. He wants this.
And then there is the look of complete and absolute hope on his face for that moment. He is finally reaching out. He seems to feel this is the moment he can have what he wants and be accepted by at least one person for it. When he goes in for a second kiss and Kurt pushes him away, he looks crushed. He reached out and was only pushed away. Not that I blame Kurt here, but this was a vital moment for Karofsky and it definitely didn't go his way. He slams his fist into a locker in frustration and runs off.
Note: He does not hurt Kurt here when he so easily can. Kurt pushes him away without much force. He takes his anger out on the locker. This to me says that David is more savable.

After that when Blaine and Kurt confront him (in a busy stairwell at school of all places) we see the terror in his eyes. They know. Not only that but Kurt told a complete stranger his secret. He tries to get away, they pull him back, they fight and then once again Kurofsky runs away. He is very scared and in denial.
Next comes the death threat. Not a good moment for Kurofsky, but not a shocking one either. He tells Kurt that if he tells anyone what happened 'He'll kill him.' Karofsky has hit rock bottom. His fear has taken him an ugly place.

In the next ep Furt, we see the aftermath of this. Kurt, him and their fathers talking about the threat in the Principles office. Now this scene we learn that even Karofsky's parents know something is wrong. David, a boy, who normally gets good grades (A's and B's) has his grades slipping. This is a new development that just happens to coincide with him now seriously bulling Kurt (Look back on season one and you will see his run ins were with Finn, who had previously bullied HIM, mostly). This all adds to a boy in distress. The office scene also shows that his father, unlike Kurt's, will not step forward and help his son. He leaves him to the consequences on his own. Interestingly, it is Kurt who takes pity on Karofsky. When asked about the death threat Kurt lies about the reason for it. This is after him and Karofsky share a look where Karofsky is practically pleading with him not to 'out' his secret.
Taken from
Glee Wiki:
Max Adler, who portrays Karofsky, has called him the "insecure, afraid, and shy boy in the corner with this crazy secret, with a rough and tough exterior, a hard edged bully who doesn't take anything from anybody." Dave is "very scared of what he is, scared of telling people his big secrets. He's afraid that it will ruin his life and shatter his whole world. He has to keep up that manliness, be the guys guy, be the jock and fit in with them while he's hiding completely who he is and what he wants."
I love this exert. It gives us such insight (sad as it is) to the character. When people talk about Karofsky, I think some forget that he is just a young guy struggling to figure out who he is. In fact, I think he so badly wants to belong and fit in with the crowd that he doesn't even have a clue who he is. He is confused and disparate to be like everyone else. He is likely angry at a 'fate' that, in his mind, will never truly allow this.
It says so much that he is always looking around him to see how other people are reacting before he himself reactions. He doesn't want to get it wrong. The Karofsky we are seeing isn't natural. What we are seeing is a front to hide his secret. I long for the day we can see the real Dave. I think we got a small glimpse of him in the Super Ball ep, but I want more.
Any one watching now knows that Karofsky actually loved being in Glee that week. It's the only time on the whole show we've seen him happy and excited. In fact, when Will tells Karofsky that he is good, it is him who suggests they practice with another number.

I'm sure if no judgment was put upon people in Glee he would have signed up in a heartbeat. In this, I think he has a lot in common with Finn and Sam. Both who had to be pushed (and in one case blackmailed) into joining Glee. It's not that they don't love it. It's just they want to belong and not be an outcast. But the moment that the group Karofsky is in is accused on being 'gay' for doing Glee? He withdraws into himself. In that moment, his happiness is over. Before that we was talking about how 'awesome' it was. The rest of the ep he fights against rejoining mid game show, even when all his 'friends' have rejoined the show. For him it wasn't just the slushie in the face. It was his fear that people might just figure out that he is indeed gay.

Of course, when he sees everyone having so much fun and being excepted, he joins in. We have never seen him happier.
Last we see Karofsky, Finn is trying to get him to join Glee Club. And he fails. At the mention of Kurt, Karofsky falls into his old self and walks away.
You just know sometime, what we are seeing will change. David will join Glee, he will start to except who he is and hopefully form some friendships with people who will except him. I have had faith in far darker character, who have found redemption and I have faith in him.
5) People Relate
Karofsky's storyline is realistic and I feel it explores something that is rarely addressed on tv. He is a bully who is bullying what he himself is out of fear of others will find out and bully him that way. It's a sad cycle that is very true to life. Remember what they say, we hate in others what most reminds us most of what we hate in our own self.
In Kurt, I think, Karofsky sees what he most fears and most wants. I think in his eyes, Kurt is wonderfully at ease with himself. He is brave and pretty forward with who he is. He seems fearless (though I think he has his own defense mechanisms in play as well) and in life, how many of us truly all that? Karofsky sure isn't.
One of the truly amazing things about Karofsky is how many people see a reflection of their own self in him and through that find the strength to change. Or at least try. So many people are saying that they 'are' Karosky or were. People aren't perfect. We all do these we live to regret whether out of fear or the need to fit in or a million of reasons. I know I have, but those moments do not define us for our whole life. We can take the regret of those moments and change for the better.
As I said above the reason I love this character is he represents the ability for redemption. That no matter how dark things get, we can raise above all that and find or become something better. I love that people are being inspired to reach for that because of this character. It's beautiful to me.
I follow
fuckyeahgleesecrets on tumblr. Here are some of my favorite secrets that relate to people finding strength through Karosky's story:
Secret One,
Secret Two,
Secret Three,
Secret Four And there are so many more. :D