Written for
jjverse. Not my best work, but I hope it gets across why I love this character!
Driveshaft bassist. Baby brother. Heroin addict. Catholic. Fate. Rejected. Sacrifice.
First off, the reason I started watching Lost was Dom Manhan. Merry has always been my favorite Hobbit and I was very fond of Dom’s portrayal. So I was very eager to get to know and like the character of Charlie. And I did! I thought it adorable that Charlie was so desperate for Kate’s attention and happy to share that he was indeed in the band Drive Shaft. “We are everybody!!” Catchy tune. I loved the hoody and I liked him writing on his fingers. I just liked him. And the best scene of the pilot for me was Charlie looking around and asking “Where are we?” Great moment.
When it came to his band Driveshaft, I was highly amused by the Oasis connection. I’ve never liked that band due to their arrogance, but there did have their moments of beauty (music wise: aka Wonderwall)… anyway, I feel that the writers of Lost did a wonderful job at showing that story in fictional terms. Charlie quiet the musical genius, with his older louder and obnoxious brother Liam getting all the attention.
And it was interesting how Charlie was fighting with his faith. How he felt the lure of the sex and drugs and fame, but was also left guilty and wondering whether those things were good for his soul. It was interesting how he was willing to give up his fame to ‘reclaim’ himself. It was also heartbreaking that he wasn’t able to.
Of course Charlie went dark places with his heroin addiction and all. But even at his darkest I was still able to like Charlie. I know not everyone was able to, but I did feel sorry for him. Let’s face it. He didn’t want to get involved in the drugs, he just wanted to make great music, but his dick of a brother dragged him down into the shit. Yeah, Charlie didn’t have to do it. But he did and you could sort of relate to that even if you had never done drug. Peer pressure is a bitch and it must be so much worse when it’s coming from your older brother you adore. And then later when Liam was telling Charlie that HE needed to get it together and clean up his act? Yeah, even if that was true, it made me beyond angry that it came from Liam’s mouth. There was a sense of HOW DARE YOU!!
So when Charlie died, I was beyond frustrated that Liam never saw what Charlie became. To this day I bring it up. Every damn time Dom/Charlie returns I want that scene!! Or I just wanted someone to go and tell him and say ‘Hey, your brother got his act together and did some amazing things!’ It’s a shame in my mind that is likely never going to happen. Hell, it would likely be corny if it did, but it doesn’t stop me from craving it.
Away from the angst (kind of), I also thought Charlie and Claire were adorable together. I mean how iconic is the peanut butter scene? It was nice seeing how he cared about this poor girl, even if it was somewhat feeding his need for family and his desire to be needed. They were really sweet together though and I was saddened when Claire forgot who he was and saddened even deeper when he cast him out of her life (though I could not blame her).
And then there was his friendship with Hurley. Those to were great together. They lightened up the show up and made ya smile whether it was just them babbling back and forth or them giggling them stuff on the golf course.
Lastly, Charlie last season was epic. The way him and Desmond placed off together was great and you were always left hoping that Des would do the right thing and save Charlie… until you (and Charlie) realized that Des just couldn’t do that anymore. Charlie was destined to die.
Charlie death was a good one. It was moving and man did I cry. He died knowingly and willingly. He died trying to get the other’s off the island and to warn Des that it wasn’t Penny’s boat. But the moment that gets me most? If you look, right before he dies, Charlie ‘crosses’ himself. That was a wonderful way to bring the character full circle.