For those who don't understand simple french or baker's terms, it's a simple bread ball ;)
SO YEAH, I learned how to make bread last night using this method:
Five Minutes a Day to Fresh-Baked Bread. I screwed up a little:
I put the dough in the fridge after preparing it forgetting it had to rise at room temperature, I saved it after about five minutes.
I didn't put enough corn starch on my makeshift 'Pizza Peel' so the dough stuck like crazy to it while it rested for 40min, I had to rework it and I did not allow it to rest again.
Because of this, the dough ended up landing in the pan weird in the oven and I had to work that even more to get it to set right.
The crust came out extremely chewy, but it is still edible and the bread itself is very soft and great with butter.
Since I have three more loaves worth of dough in the fridge (the dough will last up to two weeks in the fridge) I will eventually make more, probably as soon as this loaf is gone. Hopefully by the end of this batch I will have gotten a hang of the technique and I'll be getting better. I love this bread, I have always loved artisan bread. Store bought bread is too soft, has no texture, has no flavor, and is expensive! Not only is this method cheaper but the end result is so much more satisfying than that store bought crap.
Lets see how long I can keep this up. I may just keep half a loaf of the old crap in the freezer for when we're in-between loaves and have no time to bake :B
Oh yeah, I got all new LJ icons >3<