Aug 26, 2007 01:45
This morning, I received the following four messages from Rachel Berkowitz.
"you were an asshole in my dream last night"
"the whole second half of the dream took place in your house in north carolina"
"which was all steampunked-out"
Clearly my dream self was pretty busy last night. I can remember three distinct dreams from last night - one took place in a combination LSAT/Scav competition, one took place in a bizarre Hitchcock in which Ross and I were forced to look after a bunch of bratty kids, and the one took place in what I assume was San Francisco with Ramya. We were standing in front of a Toys’r’us and marking it off as one of the places I would visit later in the trip. “Of course we have to go there,” I said, “they’re selling Avatar stuff!”
The first dream was the most interesting, though. I remember walking into the room that I’d promised to my parents I was going to take less of an active role in Scav so I wouldn’t stress so much. “Oh well,” I thought, “I’ll discuss this with them after Scav.”
The room was full of judges and Snitchcock Scav personnel. I can recall J-Dubs, Judge Tricky, Claire, Steven Lucy, and J-Crow in particular. On our side, there was (specifically) Stacy, Ayn, Ramya, Ross, Bob, Max Gallop, William Dix, and Anna.
It was some kind of LSAT-esque logic competition. It was sort of like a rebus-meets-crossword-meets-Jumble-type monstrosity.
No one got the answer alone, although J-Dubs and I put our answers together and managed to complete it. As we walked to the front of the room and turned our tests in, there was a sort of awkward silence.
The next thing I remember was that someone got up and plugged an iPod into some speakers. Before I could stop myself, I said, “Why is the town theme from Zelda 2 playing?”
Then I felt a rush of shame and despair for some reason, and apologized publicly for knowing this.
When I woke up, I listened to my Zelda playlist in bed before making any major movements.