Feb 18, 2007 21:34
This debate centers around modeling. I know many of you lovely people do modeling of your own, so I thought it would be an interesting subject for our community to discuss. Feel free to comment on one or both of the prompts below, and also to interject any of your own related personal opinions/experiences.
1. Models in the Media
For years the debate has been raging over the effect that the media has on the average person's self image and self esteem. How much do you think that a) you personally and/or b) people in general are affected by the constant images of incredibly thin and perfectly photoshopped models/actors/singers that our society is exposed to?
2. BMI
Just recently, several major runway shows worldwide have implemented the rule that to walk, models must have a BMI - Body Mass Index - of 18 or higher. Average BMI is said to be between 19.1-25.8 for women and 20.7-26.4 for men. "Anorexic" territory for both sexes is <17.5. In an industry that revolves around tiny sample sizes and traditionally involves incredibly tall, thin models, do you think this is an improvement or unfair to the existing models?